Flat Lithium Battery Pack DoD

Interesting form factor on this 5.3V, 2000mAh USB-charged battery pack, might be right for some projects. Ebay Deal of the Day at $30:
Could even BE the chassis for a small robot!
specs: http://www.mangoenergy.com/PDF/ChargeCardSalesSheet.pdf
Could even BE the chassis for a small robot!
specs: http://www.mangoenergy.com/PDF/ChargeCardSalesSheet.pdf
Radio Shack had some that they discounted they work real good for a Basic Stamp Power Supply I got them for $15.00
and $5.00 for the smaller ones
I bought about 15 of the smaller one
Not the same company but they look much the same
Each of them have 2 @ 800 milliamp Flat Lithium Batteries in them
and a power switch with a blue LED that come on when you hit the power switch
Note that when the LED is not on the power coming out is only battery voltage not 5.00 volts
5.00 volt is when the blue led is on
they also had a smaller one made by the same company that is only 500 milliamp
and has only one battery it alway has 5.00 volts on the power cord unless the battery voltage is less than 2.7 volts
I buy on ebay to power projects. It's a great
power option.
I have done what you are talk about as well they do work very well
Camera batteries, HollyM? Please explain. I've got a respectable collection of those that were designed for Polaroid, those Polapulse ones.
I never thought of using them with the Basic Stamp.
(Nice avatar. Oh and are you related to a chap named Minkowski, was a fantastic astronomer, worked in California with CalTech there.)
One note make sure that it has the voltage protection board in the battery pack that you want to use
What you can do is take a volt meter and check the battery voltage and if it read a voltage
One cell would be any where from 2.7 to 4.20 volts
Two cells would be any where from 5.4 to 8.40 volts
If it dose not read a voltage then charge battery with a 100 milliamp charger @ 5 volt would work for one cell battery
and watch battery voltage to see if it stop charging when it reaches 4.20 volts for one cell or 8.40 volts for two cell
One note DO NOT LET BATTERY VOLTAGE TO GET HIGHER THAN THAT because the battery will start to over heat Also DO NOT USE these battery with out the voltage protection board
If you get any voltage lower than or while you are charging the battery voltage is over then it dose not voltage protection board
If your reading is in that range here is a test to see if it has a voltage protection board in it with out taking the battery pack apart put a 100 milliamp load on the battery pack and watch the battery voltage if it drop below 2 volts or 4 volts then it dose not have a voltage protection board
Buck Rogers
If you need a voltage protection board for a 8 volt battery pack send me an Email I can send you one if you need one
I only have ONE to give out in the subject put Need a Voltage Protection Board
One cell would be any where from 2.7 to 4.20 volts
Two cells would be any where from 5.4 to 8.40 volts
Is this what you have see below in Attached Thumbnails
This should have a Voltage Protection Board in how ever you can NOT put these board in series to make 8 volts you have to remove the Voltage Protection Board for 4.00 volts and change it to a 8.00 volt one with two battery