Bug in Spin compiler
Maybe it's already reported, but it's worth to be mentioned again and again for all the newbies:
The datatype of a label is not set to the datatype that comes after the label, but to the one before the label. As the label itself points to the data after the label, I'd consider this as being a BUG.
This currently works fine and as I'd expect it to work. But only because the workaround is already in place:
Remove the first word of the dat section and it will no longer do what's expected.
Default type of a dat section seems to be byte. Now all accesses to initSeq are treated like a byte-array access.
Post Edited (MagIO2) : 11/29/2009 7:22:12 PM GMT
The datatype of a label is not set to the datatype that comes after the label, but to the one before the label. As the label itself points to the data after the label, I'd consider this as being a BUG.
dat word $0000 initSeq word $000c, $0005, $0005, $0005, $0002, $0001, $0028, $0000 initData word $0000, $0100 word $0100, $0000 word $0200, $0107 word $0300, $20C0 word $0400, $0000 word $0800, $0702 word $0900, $0000 word $0a00, $0000 word $0c00, $0000 word $0d00, $0000 word $0f00, $0000 word $0700, $0101 word $1000, $B010 word $1100, $0700 word $0700, $0100 word $1200, $3B01 word $1300, $000B word $2900, $1200 word $2A00, $9500 word $3000, $0a00 word $3100, $2613 word $3200, $290A word $3300, $0A29 word $3400, $1326 word $3500, $0A0A word $3600, $031E word $3700, $1E03 word $3800, $0607 word $3900, $0303 word $3A00, $040E word $3B00, $010E word $3C00, $0E01 word $3D00, $0E04 word $3E00, $0303 word $3F00, $0706 word $5000, $0000 word $5100, $EF00 word $5200, $0000 word $5300, $3F01 word $6000, $0027 word $6100, $0300 word $6A00, $0000 word $8000, $0000 word $8100, $0000 word $8200, $0000 word $8300, $0000 word $8400, $0000 word $8500, $0000 word $9000, $1300 word $9200, $0000 word $9300, $0301 word $9500, $1001 word $9700, $0000 word $9800, $0000 word $f000, $0854 word $f300, $1000 word $f400, $1100 word $f000, $0000 word $0700, $7301 pub Init | ptr1, ptr2, cont ptr1:=0 ptr2:=0 cont:=1 repeat while cont==1 tv.str( string("SeqNum: ") ) tv.dec( initSeq[noparse][[/noparse] ptr1 ] ) tv.out( $0d ) repeat initSeq[noparse][[/noparse] ptr1 ] tv.str( string( "CMD: " )) tv.hex( initData[noparse][[/noparse] ptr2 ], 4) ' cmd( initData[noparse][[/noparse] ptr2++ ] ) tv.str( string( " DATA: ")) tv.hex( initData[noparse][[/noparse] ptr2 ], 4) tv.out( $0d ) ' data( initData[noparse][[/noparse] ptr2++ ] ) ptr1++ if initSeq[noparse][[/noparse] ptr1 ] == 0 tv.str( string("End",$0d )) cont:=0 else tv.str( string("SeqWait: ") ) tv.dec( initSeq[noparse][[/noparse] ptr1 ] ) tv.out( $0d ) tv.str( string( "Waiting",$0d )) waitcnt(clkfreq/initSeq[noparse][[/noparse] ptr1 ] + cnt) ptr1++
This currently works fine and as I'd expect it to work. But only because the workaround is already in place:
Remove the first word of the dat section and it will no longer do what's expected.
Default type of a dat section seems to be byte. Now all accesses to initSeq are treated like a byte-array access.
Post Edited (MagIO2) : 11/29/2009 7:22:12 PM GMT
If the declaration is on the same line as the symbol, it's all good. If not then the symbol gets the last alignment (which defaults to byte in a DAT section)
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
If you want to specify the alignment, just do like BradC suggests, and put it on the same line, right beside your label...
My Prop Info&Apps: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
With a label you reference the data comeing after the label, so the type should match that datatype of exactly this data and not the datatype that was valid before the label. But as I learned it is a minor bug with an easy workaround. But you have to be aware that it exists.
I had to add debug-code to my module to find it because I was not aware of the problem - which cost some minutes. I guess some newbies will have a big headache when running in such a bug ;o)