Autonomous Ping))) boe bot (newbie)
Hello, im am new to the boe bot and i have one with the ping))) and ping))) bracket. I have seen some people been able to make it wander around autonomously and i was wondering if their is any code out there for it because i have been unable to find one. I can't write one because i don't even know where i would start so if any of you all could help me then it would be greatly appreciated.
- Stephen
- Stephen
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
Giggly Googley!
I've used a "PING" on My gate opener with no IR devices for about 3 years. My youngest Son has used a "PING" on His Boe for about 2 years with out a IR device. The point is " just because everybody Else does it this way " does not make it necessary for All to do it that way. To be Honest the IR devices are a bit aggravating to use since most of Us use Hi-Efficient lamps in Our houses today,The Hi-Eff. Lamps Make so much noise in the Operating range of the IR devices that their about useless!
Stick with the PING
The Truth is out there·········································· E=$WMc%2