TV_Text -> PPDB
I assume that the TV_Text.spin object is ready to go for the DEMO board, since I do not have a DEMO board but a PPDB, I am trying to figure out what wires go to what pins. The first thing that I tried was p12-Vo, p13-V1, p14-V2, and p15-VA, this got me nowhere. Anybody get the TV_Text working with the PPDB, and is willing to share the secret?
<edit> @jazzed, I tried the tv_text.c, and tv_test.c, when I compile I get the following:
tv_text.c, error, _main not defined
tv_test.c, error, _tvText_start symbol not defined
So, I did not even get to the point of trying to change your program to match the pins to what I have hooked up. <edit>
Post Edited (Rsadeika) : 9/20/2008 9:38:51 PM GMT
<edit> @jazzed, I tried the tv_text.c, and tv_test.c, when I compile I get the following:
tv_text.c, error, _main not defined
tv_test.c, error, _tvText_start symbol not defined
So, I did not even get to the point of trying to change your program to match the pins to what I have hooked up. <edit>
Post Edited (Rsadeika) : 9/20/2008 9:38:51 PM GMT
Try this:
Propeller P12 to V0
Propeller P13 to V1
Propeller P14 to V2
Edit: Make sure that you are looking at the correct pin for P12, it can be a little
tricky to see it right. If you are not sure, count'em out from P0
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Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
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V = P16
H = P17
B1 {240ohm} = P19
B0 {470ohm} = P18
G1 {240ohm} = P21
G0 {470ohm} = P20
R1 {240ohm} = P23
R0 {470ohm} = P22
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You said that you hadn't played with this setup before. Is there a chance you didn't find the
"line in" channel on your TV? That channel is typically located below channel 1 or has it's own
button on your remote or TV. Sometime referred to as "input"
Don't give up! TV access with the Propeller is pretty cool.
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As for the VGA connector, are you saying that I need to place a resistor between B1 and P19, for example. That is a real pain, you think that they would have added that to the board itself.
B1 {240ohm} = P19
B0 {470ohm} = P18
G1 {240ohm} = P21
G0 {470ohm} = P20
R1 {240ohm} = P23
R0 {470ohm} = P22
Thanks again
Those resistors are there. I grabbed a quick cut/paste from an earlier message as to
why they are laid out in the order they are. Notice how the lines criss-cross? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Just make the wire connections and you'll have VGA. Don't forget to load the VGA_Demo.
As for troubleshooting the TV, if the DVD player works on the rear hookup, try moving
it to the front jacks while it's on and see if you can make it work there. Or hook your
PPDB to the rear jacks and see it work. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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If it were me, I would use the Parallax graphics demo. It's a good signal, simple to run, and known to display on pretty much everything. Could be your TV is picky.
This is where a quick photo would help too. (book suggestion OldBit! Lots of close up photos.)
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or if I finally caught someone sleeping. (doubtful) [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 9/20/2008 9:33:46 PM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
@Ray, It's almost starting to sound like you might have a bum chip. Can you do a simple LED
blink? I've attached one below. Use a single wire from P0 to LED 0 and see if it works, then
work your way from P0 to P29 and see if it works. Just change the code and move the wire each time.
This will confirm your chip is working correctly.
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Make sure that your wires are in good shape. Frequent bending of solid core wire can
cause it to break, losing connection. You could have a wire that is broken, yet the
insulation is holding it together. Pass them with a meter or use the blink code to double
check any in doubt.
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By now, you want to toss everything out the window ... I can't help you with that, but since you mentioned problems with C code ... I'll try to help you there. It looks like you had a linking problem.·Here are steps you should take to download and compile successfully:
Once you have done these steps, you should see the package heirarchy on the right of ICC IDE as shown in the attachement below. Click on the brick wall or hit F9 to compile. You may note that my folder was different, but the results should be the same.
Good Luck.
According to the PPDB schematic, the jack is grounded already, so I didn't connect a ground. Was planning to check the wires and components and grounding tonight for any problems, but after reading this thread, I'm afraid I might be wasting my time.
You say that you've built other circuits on it, so we'll assume it works.
Could things to check.....
Do you have a secondary item which you could test your video-in
to verify proper channel, etc?
Also, I've had a broken wire which cause me some headache a
while back. It was broken, but not enough to break the plastic
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Parallax Engineering
Yes, I checked the video-in with another device (my cable TV box) to make sure the TV is setup correctly to receive composite video. So good there I believe.
Will let you know. Now that I know there is no reason it shouldn't work, I won't give up this time.
But since you guys were kind enough to reply, I'll fess up. It was me. I had gotten so used to pressing Ctl-F10 to compile my programs over the past couple months, I wasn't paying attention. I downloaded the LED flasher prog that OBC had recommended. I couldn't get that to work either. Then I noticed what I was doing. Pressed F10 instead and everything started working fine. Was constantly loading my previous set top level file.
Sorry guys. I guess I shouldn't have started this last night after such a long day at work. If you look at my original post you'll see that my first instinct was to blame me for doing something silly. I should have stuck with that instinct.