10 hours of working on computers all day, then down to the shop to spend some "quality" time on the prop. It's easy to make mistakes when the prop gets the last of the day. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ditto.. Welcome to the group! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thanks for the warm welcome. Tell you what my current project is:
I have an old TV in the bedroom with a single input. I plan to build an electronic video switch so my wife can easily switch between the Cable TV, the DVD Player, and the Satellite receiver that she uses to watch foreign language TV stations. I want the Prop to control the switching, maybe automatically detect when one of the devices is turned on, maybe display a menu for her to choose from, and switch to that device.
I believe I can get all that to work with a few video switch IC's, a comparator IC for detecting when a signal is present, and the prop to control everything and display a menu.
My last project was a talking timer/MP3 Player for my father who is blind. I used the Prop and the Vmusic2 as the heart. Was a lot of work and a lot of fun.
Hi! I am a beginner of Propeller. I have the Propeler Professional Development Board and try to test the VGA Text Demo according to the wiring set up as OldbitCollector said
It worked perfectly. then how come the other two files VGA.spin and VGA_Text.spin didn't work? Nothing showed up on my monitor? Can anyone help me where to start?
Yup.. been there, done that..
10 hours of working on computers all day, then down to the shop to spend some "quality" time on the prop. It's easy to make mistakes when the prop gets the last of the day. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ditto.. Welcome to the group! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
I have an old TV in the bedroom with a single input. I plan to build an electronic video switch so my wife can easily switch between the Cable TV, the DVD Player, and the Satellite receiver that she uses to watch foreign language TV stations. I want the Prop to control the switching, maybe automatically detect when one of the devices is turned on, maybe display a menu for her to choose from, and switch to that device.
I believe I can get all that to work with a few video switch IC's, a comparator IC for detecting when a signal is present, and the prop to control everything and display a menu.
My last project was a talking timer/MP3 Player for my father who is blind. I used the Prop and the Vmusic2 as the heart. Was a lot of work and a lot of fun.
V = P16
H = P17
B1 {240ohm} = P19
B0 {470ohm} = P18
G1 {240ohm} = P21
G0 {470ohm} = P20
R1 {240ohm} = P23
R0 {470ohm} = P22
It worked perfectly. then how come the other two files VGA.spin and VGA_Text.spin didn't work? Nothing showed up on my monitor? Can anyone help me where to start?
T o n y
example of what can be done!
T o n y
The two files you mention are basically drivers for text or graphics: delve in and enjoy.