A suggestion for parallax

its simple. a forum for propeller newbes. or propeller in class fourm?
I often read the propeller fourm just so I can learn more but to honest, most of the stuff yall talk about is so far above me. It would be nice to have a fourm that was more my/newbe speed with topics and responces that I can understand.
while you are all thoughtful and answer my questions, there are more I have from time to time and really don't want to post what seems to me to be simple things in the "big boy" fourm.
just my .02
IC layout designer
Austin Texas
I often read the propeller fourm just so I can learn more but to honest, most of the stuff yall talk about is so far above me. It would be nice to have a fourm that was more my/newbe speed with topics and responces that I can understand.
while you are all thoughtful and answer my questions, there are more I have from time to time and really don't want to post what seems to me to be simple things in the "big boy" fourm.
just my .02
IC layout designer
Austin Texas
Nobody cares.
We are here to enjoy the prop period. Asking to clarify something in a thread you find interesting will serve others like you. Soon you will know more and your dilemma will be solved. Maybe others will too.
to be honest my wife thinks im crazy, she says I cant relax, that my brain is "always on", that I have to have a constant "data" input. what she doesnt understand is that "understanding" is relaxing to me.
I say this only to support my statment above. My dilemma will never be solved. i find that answers only lead to 2x2x2 more questions.
but thanks for the advice.
IC layout designer
Austin Texas
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
IC layout designer
Austin Texas
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 4/13/2007 4:45:16 PM GMT
IC layout designer
Austin Texas