Character recognition project *finished*
Last winter I took a course in realtime-systems at my university (LTH). In the projectpart of the course·I decided that I wanted to evaluate the Propeller mcu. Since then I just love the prop, to bad I have almost no time for it.
Anyhow the project I did back then was a character recognition unit, based upon an artificial neural network. It can recognice up to four characters (memory limitations). The code is not pretty written, I' aware of that. Still,·the final result turned ut pretty cool!
It uses the VGA and mouse.
Knock yourself out!
Anyhow the project I did back then was a character recognition unit, based upon an artificial neural network. It can recognice up to four characters (memory limitations). The code is not pretty written, I' aware of that. Still,·the final result turned ut pretty cool!

It uses the VGA and mouse.
Knock yourself out!

We have people from all over the world contributing to the forum... where is LTH?
I looked at your code... until I got a migraine[noparse]:)[/noparse] WOW... I don't know how you would arrange it... but I think you need to make more time for your prop!!!!
It would take me a while to figure understand your logic... and I might get it wrong. Is there any way you could post your theory of operations? There are lots of different kinds of neural networks.
For example... do you use forced matching? And if not... how do you disambiguate foreign characters?
I have to cut my forum session short tonight... and I have other questions. Won't see anything til tomorrow.
LTH is a technical university located in Lund/Sweden.
If I use forced matching...? I have to tell you that I'm not an expert on neural networks, this
project was mostly to evaluate the processor.·I think I know what you mean; it compares the
output from the four nodes and takes the largest (even if the match is very small). So yes, I guess
it's forced.
I would like to digg a little bit deeper into these networks, maybee using a fpga. CNN netorks are
becoming more and more used.
I have attached my report for the project, it includes a little bit about parallell processing, networks
and about the prop.
Happy Eastern!!!
Post Edited (BEEP) : 4/6/2007 3:52:03 PM GMT
Isn't it sad how much one wants to do and accomplish, and how little time ther is to do it! I'm just glad my hobby and upcoming occupation is the same. Though, there might be a slight risk for "workoholism"!