has anyone tried to interface a Seagate MicroDrive to a Propeller

The possibility of running a RTOS on a prop. is intriguing
·Product Specifications:
- 1 x Seagate 5GB MicroDrive ST1 Format
- RunOn Technology—overcomes playback consistency
issues with HDD music players while in high-movement
situations- G-Force Protection—adds robustness and reliability to
handheld systems- 2-Mbyte buffer—equals desktop PC disc drive buffer,
enhances digital media streaming performance- Seagate Design Service Centers—provides design and
testing support that helps manufacturers of handheld
media players bring products to market faster with
enhanced reliability and performance
- Biggest one-inch drive capacity—download larger libraries of high-fidelity music,
video and digital photos to PDAs and entertainment devices- RunOn Technology—solves the problem of inconsistent music playback while in a
high-vibration environment, such as jogging- G-Force Protection—protects drive against shock from mishandling and increases
system robustness- Available in 2.5- and 5.0-Gbyte capacities—delivers larger storage capacity for smaller
footprint applications
- Time-to-ready in 2 seconds (max.)
- Supports low-power modes
- High-quality music capacities of 62 or 125 hours
- Size only 42.8 x 36.4 x 5 mm
- Weighs only 19 grams (2/3 ounce)
- ATA Flex & Compact Flash-compatible interface
The pricing on Ebay is so cheap, that a CF isn't even close when you compare storage size vrs price. I just lost a auction in the last 17 sec, 5 GB, $16.00·
Post Edited (originator) : 3/18/2007 10:48:36 PM GMT
You could use Rokicki's FAT file system for the Propeller as a model for your SX version since it uses a bare socket for the SD card and provides a PC compatible file system which you don't have to use. You could just use the low level routines and rewrite them for the SX.
There is much more software for SD cards available though and as Mike says the 1Gb SD cards are now very cheap and so small.
And then you can swap it out for a 5 GB, But unless you were making your own digital photo albulm, I don't know what you could do with all that space.
I'm sure with just a little imagination, somebody will
I found some 8051 assm code· and wiring diagram, that some one can convert for the·Prop· or the SX @: http://www.hitachigst.com/tech/techlib.nsf/techdocs/184CEC3CD133A1C886256DCC0057244F/$file/embed_a_microdrive2003WP.pdf
I'm sure sombody can have fun with this
This one would be nice a, WYSIWYG microcontroller programming IDE, like Macromedia/Adobe "Dreamweaver" http://www.sae.org/technical/papers/2002-01-0142
You Can buy these papers online or there is an abundant supply of technical papers at your local University )(anywhere), (usally about 2 yrs behind though). Get a copy card and you can spend a weekend browsing their materials, You just can't check anything out unless your a student.
Post Edited (Capt. Quirk) : 3/19/2007 11:56:28 AM GMT
I'd recommend the FTDI Vdrive2, which is pretty easy to get going (some holes in their early documentation). Keys being not yet documented IAP command uses ASCII lengths rather than binary.
The FAT details are buried in the interface, so it doesn't take much code, and at < $28 its pretty cost effective.
Check the thread in the Stamp Forum, a couple people have it running there now.
Did NOT work with my Western Digital WD1200 160GB disk drive.
Post Edited (Harrison.) : 3/20/2007 3:09:00 AM GMT
Jeff T.
will you consider contacting FTDI to ask them about the problem and if it is fundamental to the fact it is a HD or if it is something else?