I want a super PROP-bot
I was thinking, and eventually i will get a prop so I can make my boe-bot into a super prop bot. It would be cool if I had a bot that had a camera, gps, compass, temp, servos, ping, maybe some IR, and then get a blue tooth, and then somehow send the video over bluetooth and control the bot from a distance using a laptop and the camera on the bot. HAHA that would be cool, maybe I am dreaming but it would be cool. it would also require some major programing skills. Get a good camera and put it on a turrent with the ping, and send all the information to the laptop over bluetooth, also I might be running out of inputs and outputs, but I am still dreaming. Then only have gps on the laptop and have the bot try to return to the laptop.haha

I am currently replacing the displayed lighter, more flexible baseboard w/ a much tougher (not too heavier) "kitchen cutting board" - I will have more updated pictures up in the blog soon.
ALIBE has these sensory and reactionary devices
While re-base-boarding, I am also re-re-re-wiring. I think I am almost done w/ that. Wanted to get just right the way it looks and feels.
There are a few glitches that I am running into - particularly w/ SErvo32 and FullDuplex controlling the LCD and the Servos - running on separate cogs. But, I'm working on that.
The only other issue is - of course running out of i/o pins [noparse]:)[/noparse]
"any small object, accidentally dropped, goes and hides behind a larger object."
ALIBE - Artificial LIfe BEing. In search of building autonoumous land robot
It's OK to dream, and big dreams are the best!
Mike's right - the camera bit's what's gonna get ya if you want live video. His suggestion of doing that link via a separate video transmission (there are several applicable systems on the market) is probably gonna be best.
My dream's to have the 'bot's data overlaid onto the video stream. I'm thinking I might be able to utilise what 'Bean' (Hitt Consulting) has posted for this, but am nowhere near it yet.
Let us know how you get on.
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
I'm working on a much improved version of the overlay. This version allows you to have light pixels or dark pixels (characater outlines). It also works with the standard Parallax "graphics.spin" object. I hope to have the updated version on the Parallax object list in a couple weeks.
Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·www.hc4led.com
Low power SD Data Logger www.sddatalogger.com
SX-Video Display Modules www.sxvm.com
Coming soon! Propeller based OSD module www.hittconsulting.com
You just never stop improving stuff do ya! I'm looking forward to it...
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
I like it... I really, really like it.
The only thing I ever built was a crystal radio...from Heathkit. Uncle Adolf had one on a table that turned over so you wouldn't even know it was there... I thought that it was so neat that I wanted one just like it.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me:
There is a TV-type band capacity in the demo set...
According to the laws of physics if the prop can transmit and the analog and digital capacities of the chip are reasonably balanced... it can also recieve. The sampling rate might not be enough right now, but that is due to go up considerably on the first revision.
It couldn't be that difficult to build an antenna circuit... and with the right set of op-amps and a little wire...
Aside from FCC regulations(which seem to be rigidly enforced everywhere that they exist but don't exist everywhere) why wouldn't that work?
A set-up like that would be good enough to drive around the yard... if you wanted to run the video through a cog-net and do something with it... that's more difficult, but it can be done. If you wanted to run it the video through your computer and do something with it... there are a lot of cheap devices and public domain software to get you started. Of course, as you probably know, there are also very cheap video transmit/recieve set ups that fit into just about anything and are completely legal.
Oops... make that a ham radio with a crystal oscillator.
I noticed a couple of double postings by you recently - you can 'Edit' a post - noticed that as my inbox fills.
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
I never did get my ham license though... at that age, I couldn't figure out why I should learn Morse Code if all I really wanted to do was talk to people in South America... just like uncle Adolf.
Years later, when I was visiting Amsterdam and the Christmas tree started sending out Morse Code... I thought... "damn... I should have learned Morse Code. People still use that stuff" [noparse]:)[/noparse]