MOSFET part numbers (Bi-directional level shifter) ?
I’m trying to locate the correct MOSFET’s for building a Bi-directional level shifter
for the I2C-bus, which is what I understand I need in order to use 5v FRAM chips as a Propeller EEPROM replacement. I’ve read the Philips Application Note AN97055.
After reading posts talking with Mouser & Digi-Key I’m confused and don’t know what part to buy.
The Philips doc suggests a BSN10 for the MOSFET, however I can’t find it anywhere.
Does anyone have a good part number I can use for this part. I’m new to electronics.
This may be a basic part, but the techs at Mouser can find the right part based on my description.
I have a tree growing out of my head, but
what do you expect ? I'm a programmer.
It can serve:
Digi-Key Part Number VN2222LLGOS-ND
You also first to test with some used that have by hand.
I have a tree growing out of my head, but
what do you expect ? I'm a programmer.
Another good bet is the BS170 or the 2N7000 from Fairchild for about half the price (also available from Mouser). I haven't tried those, but they meet the critcal spec from AN97055, an Rds of less than 100 ohms with a Vgs of 2.5 volts. They are all available in both TO92 and SOT23 packages.
I've been on the lookout for a good dual n-channel mosfet. There are several out there from ON Semi, Rohm and others in surface mount packages like the SOT363.
Tracy Allen
I did some extra research for us FRAM users. I think I found what we are looking for.
Made by: Texas Instruments
· It is·not·2bit like we need for I2C, but instead it's a a 4bit, Bidirectional, Voltage-Level Translator, with Auto direction sensing.
··So, I figure only use 2 of the 4bits.
See the Attached file·it is the ·Texas·Instrument PDF Spec sheet for the part# TXB0104ZXUR·
· Hear is the Mouser Part# 595-TXB0104ZXUR
There in stock ao 3:15p EST
I will Place an order for enough to make at least 3 auto directional (PIOVL) boards. I wish that I had seen these first, oh well.
I have to place an order anyway. Please check the other·thread for the latest updates on the (PIOVL).
I Hope this helps,
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
Tracy Allen
"For the same reason, the TXB0104 should not be used in applications such as I2C or 1-Wire where an
open-drain driver is connected on the bidirectional data I/O. For these applications, use a device from the TI
TXS01xx series of level translators."
Digikey carries the TSX0104 (for open drain apps like I2C)in a 14 pin TSSOP package.
Both of them have very interesting architectures. Much more complicated than the simple mosfet/resistor circuit. There are slew rate conditions so that the two sides can detect a transition of either side. I wonder if anyone makes the simple mosfet circuit in one package with the resistors?
Tracy Allen
thank you!!
Good Call!
I guess I missed that in my read through. (It's been a long day)
I have not, as of yet, placed any orders for more parts.
I will check out Digikey· and do a bit more home work be for my next order.
Thank You once again,
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
I will be attempting to build the Bi-Directional level shifter when parts arive
I also have some 3.3v FRAM chips FM20L08-60-TGC
it's a TSOP-32
it's a big 1M 128x8 @ 3.3v It's a Parallel FRAM
How hard will it be for me to hook it up, I still got to buy a DIP converter for my breadboard
I have a tree growing out of my head, but
what do you expect ? I'm a programmer.
Hey, I found the Neo. The 1. The IC that will do what we wanted. In case the MosFET set up·does not work out.
Texas Instruments # PCA9306
It a dual Bidirectional I2C Bus and SMBus Voltage-Level Translator in an 8 pin SOC (SM8).
It·uses pullup resistors·on SCL(1&2),·& SDA(1&2).·It works·with standard-mode and fast-mode I2C Devices.
It Translates from the 3.3 Volt Bus1·to the 5.0 Volts Bus2·for both the SDA & SCL lines.
A·few other voltages Level translations are possible for each bus: I.E. 1.2-V on Bus1 & 2.5-V, 3.3-V, 5.0-V on Bus2.
It has an Enable pin.·When EN is High the I2C Translator Switch is Active. When EN is Low the Switch is OFF, both·SDA·buses and both SCL Buses turn HiZ,·disconnecting one side of the I2C bus from the other.· By using this IC·a Propeller can now control·the·physical-electrical connection of it's own I2C port. Nice!
· If you add an I2C 1:16 MUX to the mix, then One Propeller·could select·from an array of I2C switches each with a string of I2C Devices just waiting to conect to the Prop's I2C port.
· Or, How about·Multi Props On·Multi I2C Buses all talking to each other and other I2C device all at the same time. All you'd need to do is dedicate 1 pin on all the Propellers for use as a busy indicator. I think something like this would be possible.
Mouser Part# 595-PCA9306DCTR
$0.90 ea
I ordered 5 pc.
I also ordered 5 pc of the 595-TXB0104ZXUR to see how they may work out on the (PIOV) board.
I Hope you find this info useful,
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!
I·forgot to·tell you in my·last reply.
· Whith regards to the 1Mb FRAMs·and how best to mount them.
·I Ordered EZ-SchmartBoards from Mouser, for easy soldering of the 32pin TSOP FM20L08.
Mouser Part# 872-202-0007-01
$9.4ea (Not cheap) I got 4 of them one for each of the 1Mb FRAMs.
· I don't want to take any chances when I make my Prototype (MnM) board.
I'll mount the FRAMs to the SchmartBoards and those Boards to my (MnM) Prototype.
· I do have a question about the Caution Sticker on the Anti-Static bag containing the FRAMs.
I have Attached Pictures.
The warning is about the method of soldering and the relative humidity (RH) when you open the seald Anti-static bag.
I·think it says that·you have to Bake the Chips before you solder them. Is this Right?
But, I am not going to use reflow, IR, or other high temp solder technique. just plan old Butane gas Iron or the ultra-fine·tip bat powered iron, or If I have to do to the scale of the ICs I might use a hot air pencil.
Do I still have to Bake the chips for 48hr @ 125'·+-5'C?
I don't know what to do. So, I have Not yet Opened the bag. Help!
IAI (Indigenous Alien Intelligence),
The New View on Machine Intelligence.
Because There is nothing Artificial about it!