The Hydra is very very cool

Thanks Parallax, the Hydra is very very kewl!
Andre, you did an excellent job on the book, and a nice design for the board!·I've been browsing through the huge manual, it has the best explanation of the video circuitry I've seen so far - wish I'd had it a couple of months ago, it would have saved me some headaches!
Actually, I think the Hydra and its book would be an excellent way to teach microcontrollers at a colledge or university; it would be possible to build a nice 200 level CompSci course around it.
Andre, you did an excellent job on the book, and a nice design for the board!·I've been browsing through the huge manual, it has the best explanation of the video circuitry I've seen so far - wish I'd had it a couple of months ago, it would have saved me some headaches!
Actually, I think the Hydra and its book would be an excellent way to teach microcontrollers at a colledge or university; it would be possible to build a nice 200 level CompSci course around it.
I think Andre's designs are taught in school. I know the XGS is.
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