new to basic stamps
Hi everyone
I bought a BS2p40 a month ago and now I'm pretty comfortable with it
and the programming. I came across an idea, but I don't know the
code for it. What would I program if:
a sensor was pressed and an LED to turn on, but remain on even
though the sensor isn't touched.
Could someone please help me write a very simple code for this?
I bought a BS2p40 a month ago and now I'm pretty comfortable with it
and the programming. I came across an idea, but I don't know the
code for it. What would I program if:
a sensor was pressed and an LED to turn on, but remain on even
though the sensor isn't touched.
Could someone please help me write a very simple code for this?
the BUTTON command to jump to a subroutine that takes the pin the LED is
connected to from LOW to HIGH.
If your program never does anything to change the LED pin back to LOW,
it will stay HIGH, and the LED will stay lit until you power-cycle it,
or perform some other kind of reset.
Something like this should get you started:
BUTTON 0,0,255,250,BtnWrk,0,main ' button is active-low,connected to P0
' When the button is not pressed, the program will goto main:, which
'effectively creates a loop
' pressing the button allows the program to continue
' depending on your sensor, you may have to make this loop active-high
' (BUTTON 0,1,...)
High 1 ' LED is connected to P1 (via appropriate resistor)
goto main
On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 23:30, gizmo_dude_2000 wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I bought a BS2p40 a month ago and now I'm pretty comfortable with it
> and the programming. I came across an idea, but I don't know the
> code for it. What would I program if:
> a sensor was pressed and an LED to turn on, but remain on even
> though the sensor isn't touched.
> Could someone please help me write a very simple code for this?
> Thanks
board with the basic stamp built in (HomeWork Board) can this setup
work with the other projects ie ( analog/didital, sensors, robotics
built-in. While the board doesn't have all the same connectors as our
standard BOE, you can still use it with the other Stamps-in-Class texts.
The Robotics text will provide the most challenges -- specifically
connecting servos (you'll need to use a couple male-male headers to
connect the servos via the breadboard).
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Tim Reitz [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]treitz11@y...[/url
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 2:31 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New to basic stamps
I purchased a kit thru radio shack Whats a Microcontroller, it has a
board with the basic stamp built in (HomeWork Board) can this setup
work with the other projects ie ( analog/didital, sensors, robotics
Visit for several examples of projects with great
Ken -
In a message dated 1/26/2004 1:21:14 PM Pacific Standard Time,
treitz11@y... writes:
I purchased a kit thru radio shack Whats a Microcontroller, it has a
board with the basic stamp built in (HomeWork Board) can this setup
work with the other projects ie ( analog/didital, sensors, robotics
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
an independent study course using mostly the same board you have
using a variety of devices. Not bad for a bunch of newbies. Of
course, maybe you one of our current students?? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
-Martin Hebel
SIUC - Electronic Systems Technologies
--- In, "Tim Reitz" <treitz11@y...> wrote:
> I purchased a kit thru radio shack Whats a Microcontroller, it has
> board with the basic stamp built in (HomeWork Board) can this
> work with the other projects ie ( analog/didital, sensors, robotics
> kits)
At 04:46 AM 1/27/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>Here's a link that shows what a group of my students performed during
>an independent study course using mostly the same board you have
>using a variety of devices. Not bad for a bunch of newbies. Of
>course, maybe you one of our current students?? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
>-Martin Hebel
>SIUC - Electronic Systems Technologies
>--- In, "Tim Reitz" <treitz11@y...> wrote:
> > I purchased a kit thru radio shack Whats a Microcontroller, it has
> > board with the basic stamp built in (HomeWork Board) can this
> > work with the other projects ie ( analog/didital, sensors, robotics
> > kits)
I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
involved with stamps? Should I buy a starter kit(like the
educational starter kit on the parralax website) or just buy a basic
stamp 2 and a homework board?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
20 pin dip header this makes interfacing subsequent projects much easier. The
instruction sets are basically the same aside from some onewire stuff. If you
don't need the extra spped and space(memory) don't spend money on it . Start
with a bs2 ( 24 pin package) it makes it easy to program it , pick it up and
dropit into a project.
soundpr0digy <soundpr0digy@y...> wrote:Hi, I just started reading up about
Basic Stamps a few days ago and
I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
involved with stamps? Should I buy a starter kit(like the
educational starter kit on the parralax website) or just buy a basic
stamp 2 and a homework board?
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am new to Basic Stamps as well and recently picked up the "What's
a Microcontroller BASIC Stamp kit" from Radio Shack.
I am only speaking from my own experience but I can honestly say
that this kit is what I needed to really capture my interest in
Basic Stamps and Microcontrollers in general.
The kit includes a BASIC Stamp 2 HomeWork Board. The "What's a
Microcontroller Parts and Text V. 2.0" by Parallax with the complete
component pack (sensors, motor, LEDs, pushbuttons, resistors,
capacitors, software and serial cable).
The What's a Microcontroller book is an excellent educational guide.
It takes you from ground zero which was my starting point, to good
understanding of PBASIC. The book is filled with lots of fun
activities that you can build and modify on the homework board.
P.S. if you get the homework board, you will not need a basic stamp
2 as it is built right on to the board.
Whatever you decide, I think if you are like me you are going to
have a some fun times ahead of you. I can't wait to finish this book
so that I have some good fundamentals under my beltm as I want to
start working on a few of the projects I have already dreamed up.
Enjoy the Stamps,
Lu Kwan
--- In, "soundpr0digy"
<soundpr0digy@y...> wrote:
> Hi, I just started reading up about Basic Stamps a few days ago
> I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
> involved with stamps? Should I buy a starter kit(like the
> educational starter kit on the parralax website) or just buy a
> stamp 2 and a homework board?
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
package for $120.00, with power-supply. Add the
course for Analog to Digital, or the course for
'What's a Microcontroller', and you are on your
The Homework board approach is slightly
cheaper, but you don't get the flexibility
of having your own socketed BS2 which you can
put in other hardware. If that's not
important to you, go with the Homework board.
--- In, "soundpr0digy"
<soundpr0digy@y...> wrote:
> Hi, I just started reading up about Basic Stamps a few days ago and
> I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
> involved with stamps? Should I buy a starter kit(like the
> educational starter kit on the parralax website) or just buy a
> stamp 2 and a homework board?
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The Board of Education is an excellent starting tool. and once you
become more advanced you will want to expand your learning and eventually
use the BS2 in your own application on your own fabricated board. Looking
forward to helping you out in future obstacles and Program Endeavors with
the BS2. (you know we all have obstacles !)
Gary Denison II
Kyocera Wireless Corp.
At 06:06 PM 2/5/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I highly recommend the Board Of Education (BOE)
>package for $120.00, with power-supply. Add the
>course for Analog to Digital, or the course for
>'What's a Microcontroller', and you are on your
>The Homework board approach is slightly
>cheaper, but you don't get the flexibility
>of having your own socketed BS2 which you can
>put in other hardware. If that's not
>important to you, go with the Homework board.
>--- In, "soundpr0digy"
><soundpr0digy@y...> wrote:
> > Hi, I just started reading up about Basic Stamps a few days ago and
> > I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
> > involved with stamps? Should I buy a starter kit(like the
> > educational starter kit on the parralax website) or just buy a
> > stamp 2 and a homework board?
> >
> > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
>Body of the message will be ignored.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
"Why am i fighting to live, if im just living to fight"
"Why am i trying to see, when there aint nothing in sight"
"Why am i trying to give when no one gives me a try"
"Why am i dying to live if im just living to die"
I'll provide you with my favorite 3 options:
1) The BS2 Educational Starter Kit (#27207 $159) includes the BASIC
Stamp 2, Board of Education, BASIC Stamp Manual, and the What's a
Microcontroller parts and text. As a fairly new option, this is our top
recommendation. Here's an information page outlining the benefits -
2) Allan's choice is very solid too. The BOE Full kit (#28102 $119)
also includes a BS2 and BOE (we like our acronyms) so the hardware is
the same. But it doesn't include a printed manual or any components
(such as led's, switches, a servo) to do experiments. So you would need
to add on to the BOE Full kit by purchasing the Basic Analog and Digital
set OR the WAM set.
BOE Full Kit -
Potential Educational sets which require BS2/BOE
3) If you don't want to spend in the neighborhood of $120-159, then the
Radio Shack kit ($79.99) featuring the HomeWork Board (includes BS2 on
the board) and the WAM parts and text is an excellent option to gain
familiarity with the BASIC Stamp. As Allan mentions, the HWB doesn't
have a BS2 module which means that the BS2 is dedicated to the
development board. Here's a link to resources related to the Radio
Shack kit -
I hope this information is helpful and not overwhelming. Let me know if
you have any questions.
Erik Wood
Parallax, Inc.
(916) 624-8333 x106
Original Message
From: Allan Lane [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]allan.lane@h...[/url
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 10:06 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: New to Basic Stamps
I highly recommend the Board Of Education (BOE)
package for $120.00, with power-supply. Add the
course for Analog to Digital, or the course for
'What's a Microcontroller', and you are on your
The Homework board approach is slightly
cheaper, but you don't get the flexibility
of having your own socketed BS2 which you can
put in other hardware. If that's not
important to you, go with the Homework board.
--- In, "soundpr0digy"
<soundpr0digy@y...> wrote:
> Hi, I just started reading up about Basic Stamps a few days ago and
> I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
> involved with stamps? Should I buy a starter kit(like the
> educational starter kit on the parralax website) or just buy a
> stamp 2 and a homework board?
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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this and a Parallax BS2, downloaded the text of 'What's a
Microcontroller' and purchased the required components separately.
This is a great course and really teaches the principles of
microcontrollers. You should do the exercises at the end of each
chapter as these make you really concentrate on programming.
Next, I purchased a Stamp Stack 2 (and a 2-SX) kit from HVW
Technologies in Canada. These are a very economic way of getting more
Stamps, which plug into a standard breadboard. HVW also produce a
neat 5V regulated supply kit for the breadboard.
I'm now looking at the Parallax BOE-BOT and Robotics! course.
John, Isle of Man, British Isles
--- In, "Allan Lane" <allan.lane@h...>
> I highly recommend the Board Of Education (BOE)
> package for $120.00, with power-supply.
> --- In, "soundpr0digy"
> <soundpr0digy@y...> wrote:
> > Hi, I just started reading up about Basic Stamps a few days ago
and I'm totally hooked. My question is...what is the best way to get
involved with stamps.
I am considering buying a BASIC II stamp, and I have some pretty
noobish questions for all of you. My only experience with robotics to
this date is the LEGO Mindstorms kit, but I have programmed avidly in
Visual Basic, JAVA, and HTML. So here we go:
1.There seem to be allot of starter kits out there. I want one that I
can learn with, but actually have the ability to do something later with
it besides blinking LEDs. Any suggestions?
2.I have read about the programming language, and it all seems to make
sense to me besides motor control. I am used to having motors on or of,
not getting pulse signals. Are there any resources out there that can
explain this better to me?
3.Where is a place where I can find a list of the Sumo leagues?
4.What is a good idea for a starting project?
Please excuse me if this isn't your idea of a mailing list, but I would
really like some answers to these questions.
Best Regards,
to do all kinds of things
Original Message
From: Ryan Waye [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]rmw998@e...[/url
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:12 AM
To: BASIC Stamps
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New to Basic Stamps
I am considering buying a BASIC II stamp, and I have some pretty
noobish questions for all of you. My only experience with robotics to
this date is the LEGO Mindstorms kit, but I have programmed avidly in
Visual Basic, JAVA, and HTML. So here we go:
1.There seem to be allot of starter kits out there. I want one that I
can learn with, but actually have the ability to do something later with
it besides blinking LEDs. Any suggestions?
2.I have read about the programming language, and it all seems to make
sense to me besides motor control. I am used to having motors on or of,
not getting pulse signals. Are there any resources out there that can
explain this better to me?
3.Where is a place where I can find a list of the Sumo leagues?
4.What is a good idea for a starting project?
Please excuse me if this isn't your idea of a mailing list, but I would
really like some answers to these questions.
Best Regards,
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you're interested in robotics, our standard BOE will probably be a good
place to start as it can be mounted on a rolling chassis (it's designed
to be BOE-Bot friendly). A lot of your robotics experience with
Mindstorms will help you, but there are areas where you will have to
On motors, for example. The Lego Brick does the hard part for you
controlling the motor speed via PWM. It's tricky business, so we use
motor controllers to handle DC motors. To make things simple for our
BOE-Bot, we use modified hobby servos (very common practice, we're not
the first). The modified servos become controllable gear motors. The
control signal is a pulse output -- speed and direction are controlled
by pulse width. The motor needs to be refreshed periodically, but this
is not tough to do with standard code design.
All Parallax-published books are available as PDF downloads. The
"What's A Microcontroller?" and "Robotics" text books will get you
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Ryan Waye [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]rmw998@e...[/url
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:12 AM
To: BASIC Stamps
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New to Basic Stamps
I am considering buying a BASIC II stamp, and I have some pretty
noobish questions for all of you. My only experience with robotics to
this date is the LEGO Mindstorms kit, but I have programmed avidly in
Visual Basic, JAVA, and HTML. So here we go:
1.There seem to be allot of starter kits out there. I want one that I
can learn with, but actually have the ability to do something later with
it besides blinking LEDs. Any suggestions?
2.I have read about the programming language, and it all seems to make
sense to me besides motor control. I am used to having motors on or of,
not getting pulse signals. Are there any resources out there that can
explain this better to me?
3.Where is a place where I can find a list of the Sumo leagues? 4.What
is a good idea for a starting project?
Please excuse me if this isn't your idea of a mailing list, but I would
really like some answers to these questions.
Best Regards,
here's my experience.
I started out with the TabRobots 'SumoBot'.
This is a nice robotics platform, but you can't
upgrade the BS2 built in to it, so I quickly
hit the glass ceiling on that one.
I then went to the Parallax Board Of Education
(BOE). This was the best $120.00 I spent.
With a BS2, 24-pin socket, and prototyping space
to do many of the labs in the Parallax Tutorials.
Add the Analog and Digital course, and you've
got a platform you can grow with.
I then added the Parallax BOE-BOT. You bolt
the BOE board on top, and now you've got a
simple robotics platform, with 2 servo-motors,
and much of the standard sensor hardware to do
labs with.
So, the short answer: Purchase the BOE kit,
and one set of lab parts (What's a MicroController,
or Analog and Digital). Do a few labs, and
then decide what you want to do next. The BOE
will be useful for a long time.
--- In, Ryan Waye <rmw998@e...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am considering buying a BASIC II stamp, and I have some
> noobish questions for all of you. My only experience with robotics
> this date is the LEGO Mindstorms kit, but I have programmed avidly
> Visual Basic, JAVA, and HTML. So here we go:
> 1.There seem to be allot of starter kits out there. I want one
that I
> can learn with, but actually have the ability to do something later
> it besides blinking LEDs. Any suggestions?
> 2.I have read about the programming language, and it all seems to
> sense to me besides motor control. I am used to having motors on
or of,
> not getting pulse signals. Are there any resources out there that
> explain this better to me?
> 3.Where is a place where I can find a list of the Sumo leagues?
> 4.What is a good idea for a starting project?
> Please excuse me if this isn't your idea of a mailing list, but I
> really like some answers to these questions.
> Best Regards,
There's basically two kinds used in small robots.
These are the 'standard' DC motor, and the
modified-Servo motor.
The DC motor has two pins. Tie one to +5, and
the other to ground, and the motor runs one way.
Reverse connections, and it runs the other way.
Disconnect one wire, and it stops. Now, you
want speed control, which is where the
pulses come in.
It turns out the current involved make this
difficult for a micro to do directly, so we have
driver transistors to up the currents. And for
speed control we pulse the +5, called 'Pulse
Width Modulation' (PWM). It's MUCH easier to
do PWM and the reversing in an external chip,
so there's LOTS of PWM chips out there the
BS2 connects to -- but that's an additional
chip. That's what the Tab SumoBot uses, and
it does it with a co-processor.
The modified servo uses the electronics inside
a servo-motor as an easy and inexpensive
motor and control system. With the Servo,
you can control the speed and direction of
the motor with a 1 mSec to 2mSec pulse
on a single wire, repeated every 20 mSec --
which is a much simpler interface for the BS2.
That's what the Parallax BOE-Bot uses.
--- In, Ryan Waye <rmw998@e...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am considering buying a BASIC II stamp, and I have some
> noobish questions for all of you. My only experience with robotics
> this date is the LEGO Mindstorms kit, but I have programmed avidly
> Visual Basic, JAVA, and HTML. So here we go:
> 1.There seem to be allot of starter kits out there. I want one
that I
> can learn with, but actually have the ability to do something later
> it besides blinking LEDs. Any suggestions?
> 2.I have read about the programming language, and it all seems to
> sense to me besides motor control. I am used to having motors on
or of,
> not getting pulse signals. Are there any resources out there that
> explain this better to me?
> 3.Where is a place where I can find a list of the Sumo leagues?
> 4.What is a good idea for a starting project?
> Please excuse me if this isn't your idea of a mailing list, but I
> really like some answers to these questions.
> Best Regards,