help for power source..thanks
hi guys,
I am currently doing a project which need to use basic stamp to
drive a few servo motors. As I am quite new in this field, I hope
that my enquiries can be answered here.
I am currently working on 4 basic stamp2 SX which need to be
connected by totally 12 servo motors. Since only simply motion is
desired, thus for starting, I will only connect 3 servo motors to
each basic stamp, or may be I may connect 4 servo motors to one
stamp. The question is, is this possible ?
I would like to use 4 AAsize 1.5v battery, can I use only 4 AAsize
1.5v battery to power up 4 basic stamps2SX and 12 servo motors ? Or
is there any other better way to connect it to the power source ?
Other than that, I would like to know do I need to add any resistor
or capacitor or fuse to my circuit to prevent short circuit ? If
yes, what is the exact component I needed ?
It may sound silly to ask all this, but I really need to know as I
am really new and I need a proper guide from someone who is
experienced. I am using FUTABA S3003 servo motor.
Thanks for your patience to spend some time to read on this. Thanks
in advanced. Have a nice day.
I am currently doing a project which need to use basic stamp to
drive a few servo motors. As I am quite new in this field, I hope
that my enquiries can be answered here.
I am currently working on 4 basic stamp2 SX which need to be
connected by totally 12 servo motors. Since only simply motion is
desired, thus for starting, I will only connect 3 servo motors to
each basic stamp, or may be I may connect 4 servo motors to one
stamp. The question is, is this possible ?
I would like to use 4 AAsize 1.5v battery, can I use only 4 AAsize
1.5v battery to power up 4 basic stamps2SX and 12 servo motors ? Or
is there any other better way to connect it to the power source ?
Other than that, I would like to know do I need to add any resistor
or capacitor or fuse to my circuit to prevent short circuit ? If
yes, what is the exact component I needed ?
It may sound silly to ask all this, but I really need to know as I
am really new and I need a proper guide from someone who is
experienced. I am using FUTABA S3003 servo motor.
Thanks for your patience to spend some time to read on this. Thanks
in advanced. Have a nice day.
have three wires to the servo (signal, ground and power). There is no
need to run the power over the stamp. You can get the power directly
from a powersource like a battery. Just don't forget to connect the
ground of the battery to the ground of the oopic.
--- In, "fleis1981" <fleis1981@y...>
> hi guys,
> I am currently doing a project which need to use basic stamp to
> drive a few servo motors. As I am quite new in this field, I hope
> that my enquiries can be answered here.
> I am currently working on 4 basic stamp2 SX which need to be
> connected by totally 12 servo motors. Since only simply motion is
> desired, thus for starting, I will only connect 3 servo motors to
> each basic stamp, or may be I may connect 4 servo motors to one
> stamp. The question is, is this possible ?
> I would like to use 4 AAsize 1.5v battery, can I use only 4 AAsize
> 1.5v battery to power up 4 basic stamps2SX and 12 servo motors ? Or
> is there any other better way to connect it to the power source ?
> Other than that, I would like to know do I need to add any resistor
> or capacitor or fuse to my circuit to prevent short circuit ? If
> yes, what is the exact component I needed ?
> It may sound silly to ask all this, but I really need to know as I
> am really new and I need a proper guide from someone who is
> experienced. I am using FUTABA S3003 servo motor.
> Thanks for your patience to spend some time to read on this. Thanks
> in advanced. Have a nice day.
> Francis
> I am currently working on 4 basic stamp2 SX which need to be
> connected by totally 12 servo motors. Since only simply motion is
> desired, thus for starting, I will only connect 3 servo motors to
> each basic stamp, or may be I may connect 4 servo motors to one
> stamp. The question is, is this possible ?
> I would like to use 4 AAsize 1.5v battery, can I use only 4 AAsize
> 1.5v battery to power up 4 basic stamps2SX and 12 servo motors ? Or
> is there any other better way to connect it to the power source ?
I don't think 4 AA batteries will not run all that at once. Do all 12 servos
operate at the same time? It will help to put a large cap, say 2200 uF or
greater across the servos. Try it and see is the easist way to find out.
Are you using a servo controller? If the Stamps running the servos need to
do much else, you should loook at the PWMPAL or similar servo controller.
> Other than that, I would like to know do I need to add any resistor
> or capacitor or fuse to my circuit to prevent short circuit ? If
> yes, what is the exact component I needed ?
> It may sound silly to ask all this, but I really need to know as I
> am really new and I need a proper guide from someone who is
> experienced. I am using FUTABA S3003 servo motor.
> Thanks for your patience to spend some time to read on this. Thanks
> in advanced. Have a nice day.
> Francis
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