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TAQOZ Reloaded v2.8 - Word Glossary — Parallax Forums

TAQOZ Reloaded v2.8 - Word Glossary

bob_g4bbybob_g4bby Posts: 455
edited 2022-09-29 09:28 in Forth

This glossary is for Taqoz Reloaded v2.8, a forth tool set resident on FLASH or the SD card. The document probably contains a few holes and errors. Please get in touch on this thread with any info to make the glossary more useful. The glossary contains all the public words in the kernel, extend.fth and file.fth. At the back there are plenty of links to other Taqoz material and guidance on loading Taqoz onto a P2 evaluation board.



  • Thanks, I think we will call you Super Bob, just so I can say "that was super Bob!" :smile:

  • Back to the si5351 with help from your i2c 'taqoz byte'
    cheers, S.B.

  • That'll be super Bob :wink::wink:

  • @bob_g4bby said:
    Here's the first stab at a glossary for Taqoz v2.8, a forth tool set resident on FLASH or the SD card. This first version will contain many holes and a few errors. Please get in touch on this thread with any info to make the glossary more useful. If you don't like the typefont, speling etc. --- well, tough.
    This first glossary, now at v1.11, contains all the public words in the kernel and extend.fth and plenty of links to other TAQOZ material. Glossaries for other modules will appear separately later.

    @"Peter Jakacki" said:
    That'll be super Bob :wink::wink:

    If a Taqoz v2.8 version exist, where can i get it ?

  • @Untel said:

    @bob_g4bby said:
    Here's the first stab at a glossary for Taqoz v2.8, a forth tool set resident on FLASH or the SD card. This first version will contain many holes and a few errors. Please get in touch on this thread with any info to make the glossary more useful. If you don't like the typefont, speling etc. --- well, tough.
    This first glossary, now at v1.11, contains all the public words in the kernel and extend.fth and plenty of links to other TAQOZ material. Glossaries for other modules will appear separately later.

    @"Peter Jakacki" said:
    That'll be super Bob :wink::wink:

    If a Taqoz v2.8 version exist, where can i get it ?

    With the last version from source forge or pCloud i get this
    KERNEL Parallax P2 TAQOZ RELOADED sIDE V2.7 'CHIP' O.......q. 200MHz 201123-1000

  • bob_g4bbybob_g4bby Posts: 455
    edited 2021-04-22 18:31

    That's interesting - my installation reports:-
    KERNEL Parallax P2 TAQOZ RELOADED sIDE V2.8 'CHIP' Prop_Ver G 200MHz 210401-1230
    That was installed as described here in my post of the 1st April. I am guessing you have installed using a .BIX file which may not have been kept in step with the other files ( and at the time I tried a .BIX it didn't work for me at all on a P2-EVAL )
    I hope that installation alternative works for you - tell me how you get on.
    Cheers, Bob

  • @bob_g4bby said:
    That's interesting - my installation reports:-
    KERNEL Parallax P2 TAQOZ RELOADED sIDE V2.8 'CHIP' Prop_Ver G 200MHz 210401-1230
    That was installed as described here in my post of the 1st April. I am guessing you have installed using a .BIX file which may not have been kept in step with the other files ( and at the time I tried a .BIX it didn't work for me at all on a P2-EVAL )
    I hope that installation alternative works for you - tell me how you get on.
    Cheers, Bob

    V2.8 is working on my P2-EVAL but all I get is the kernel WORDS.
    Cheers, Norm

  • Sorry so far so good ignore the last comment.
    Tanks and refards

  • bob_g4bbybob_g4bby Posts: 455
    edited 2021-04-23 14:03

    Norm, OK on loading the kernel and getting responses out of it - that's the hard part! Download the latest glossary above and, near the back, read section 'Installation and Booting Up'. You need Method 2, and continue from step 10 - it's just loading more forth files onto the P2 and backing up the system to make them permanent.

  • As per step 10 Loadind: Extend, File and p2asm fth is ok with no ERROR
    but I get this with BU:

  • Norm, by what means did you format the SD card? It's possible it's not fat32?

  • Reformatting the SD solved the issue.
    On last question:
    Using Teraterm , why do I get colored WORD with WORDS command ?

    Thanks and best regards!

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2021-04-23 23:50

    @Untel said:
    Reformatting the SD solved the issue.
    On last question:
    Using Teraterm , why do I get colored WORD with WORDS command ?

    Thanks and best regards!

    Hi Norm, I had just updated the binary a couple of days ago. I will try to find out how you downloaded an older version and fix that up.
    Highlighting code words is the standard when it comes to editors and although I did have dictionary highlighting in Tachyon, I have only just added this to TAQOZ.
    Here is a pubdoc describing the structure of the dictionary and what the colors mean.
    For instance, if you see a red word then that word is preemptive or immediate word, in that it is not compiled but takes control.
    Such is the case with control structures such as IF ELSE THEN BEGIN AGAIN etc while other words are simply meant for the command line such as FOPEN which then looks for a given file name etc.
    Words that are only meant as console commands will probably be given a different attribute in future since they are not compiler related and should be compiled as normal when used as part of a definition.

  • Thank you for the informations. So that I can recompile my dedicated forth terminal interface for a baud rate of 921600 I need to use a sutable version of TAQOZ.BIN for 115200 baud to start with.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2021-04-24 15:51

    @Untel said:
    Thank you for the informations. So that I can recompile my dedicated forth terminal interface for a baud rate of 921600 I need to use a sutable version of TAQOZ.BIN for 115200 baud to start with.

    I know some people have a custom terminal so that they can downloaded source code in a more controlled fashion. However, with TAQOZ you can download at high speeds without any delays, as long as you use the block download commands TAQOZ and END. I've tested this to 8Mbd but 921600 is a fairly modest speed that is supported by most terminals.

    Here's the TAQOZ.ZIP with all the files you need and the full binary _BOOT_P2.BIX.

    btw, if you really wanted to change the baud in the binary itself then you only need to write that value as a long to location 28 or $1C. I use wxHexEditor to directly edit binary files.

    TAQOZ# 28 @ . --- 921600  ok
    TAQOZ# 28 @ .L --- $000E_1000 ok
    TAQOZ# 115200 .L --- $0001_C200 ok
  • Thanks to Peter and Bob.
    Everyting works fine and my dedicated terminal is now running at 921600 baud and more.

    Regards to both.

  • Good to hear, Norm

  • btw Bob, I like your avatar. It's just Super Bob!

  • Well having been endowed the name by the maestro, thought I'd better get it right!

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796

    Hey super bob, how to bring forward the hardware that supports the software? Any idea?

  • @ErNa said:
    Hey super bob, how to bring forward the hardware that supports the software? Any idea?

    I'm working on that at this very moment. I will be in touch soon.

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796

    You'll make a lot of people happy and be the super pet!

  • @bob_g4bby
    Thank you for this glossary. This is the first fairly complete and well-arranged document for Taqoz-Extended that a Forth beginner can use.
    Thanks for the chapter "INSTALLATION and BOOTING UP". The first time I managed to put together a system with "Extended" and without the multimedia nonsense. Maybe just lucky that I hit the right binary with the right "EXTEND.FTH" that I could get it in without error messages.

    What I missed in the document is, for example, the word BACKUP. Fortunately, I found a description here of how to do the whole thing without SD-card. I would have looked for it under "DEFINING WORDS".
    Also your inline assembly dokument is very helpfull.
    Good work!

  • @dnalor
    That's great to hear, good to know someone else uses the glossary. I've added your 'System Backup' section near the back.
    I'm having fun writing small assembly language words, I hope to start writing some software radio dsp words soon. I'm having trouble sending and receiving arrays in binary to and from LabView on the PC at the moment - but I'm sure the bugs will be found out soon. It'll alllow me to inject signals into a dsp word and graph or analyse the result. The P2 takes me back to the 1980s when I learnt so much programming on a Nascom 2 Z80 based computer board - Assembly, Forth and 'Blue Label Pascal'. Fun times.

  • That was quick!
    In Debug section is something about colored WORDSlist. How do I see WORDS colored. Are there special settings for TeraTerm or Putty ?

  • bob_g4bbybob_g4bby Posts: 455
    edited 2021-05-21 17:15

    I use tera term, which I did not have to set up for colour display. If you use WORDS to display the dictionary the words should appear in various colours, as per the table. I don't know how Putty reacts to the ANSI colour codes. Try the words:-
    %BOLD ." This should be bright yellow" %PLAIN
    to see if your terminal reacts to ANSI commands
    Cheers, Bob

  • dnalordnalor Posts: 223
    edited 2021-05-22 11:26

    Yes, %BOLD and %PLAIN work, but WORDS is not coloured......
    ...... It's simply Peter's mess, which is driving me crazy. I think I downloaded the zip file that has an older extend.fth in it. If you look for the latest one, WORDS is coloured. You need extend version 210421-2100, it's that simple!
    That's what I have now:

    KERNEL   Parallax P2  *TAQOZ RELOADED sIDE*  V2.8 'CHIP' Prop_Ver G 200MHz 210401-1230
       4890 *P2ASM*         TAQOZ INTERACTIVE ASSEMBLER for the PARALLAX P2 - 210124-1200
       2726 *DISK*          SD DISK REPORTING & FORMATTING TOOLS 190800-0000
       5042 *FILE*          TAQOZ FAT32 FILE SYSTEM for SD CARD plus VIRTUAL MEMORY  210128-0830
       1656 *SPIRAM*            LY68L6400 8MB SPI RAM ACCESS 191020-0000
       1760 *DECOMPILER*            A decompiler for TAQOZ 190825-0000
        822 *UBI2C*         EFM8UB3 I2C COMMANDS 210118-0000
        614 *RTC*           RV-3028 RTC DATE and TIME 190800-0000
        882 *SMARTPINS*         SMARTPIN FUNCTIONS and drive modes 190800-0000
        382 *P2CLOCK*           P2 CLOCK CONTROL 190800-0000
       2780 *ANSI*          ANSI TERMINAL SUPPORT 200410-0000
        494 *EXTEND*            Primary kernel extensions for TAQOZ 210421-2100
       5990 *SPIFLASH*

    Is this up to date ?

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796

    @dnalor said:
    ...... It's simply Peter's mess, which is driving me crazy. I think I downloaded the zip file that has an older extend.fth in it. If you look for the latest one, WORDS is coloured. You need extend version 210421-2100, it's that simple!

    I want to point to the fact, that Peter is a one man show that performs the 9th symphony! It's our failure we do not apply more of what Peter created. Even the P2D2 is a open source project and I don't blame him for not supplying us as I know, I'm allowed to start production, but it's my fault I don't.
    The Tachyon and TAQOZ community needs some orchestration. Maybe we can create a introduction to SDR, work on such a fun project and so focus on supply of a stable TAQOZ without the frustration of fluctuations in technology (FoFiT). I hope, Peter will return soon after he made some time off..

  • dnalordnalor Posts: 223
    edited 2021-05-22 14:58

    Ok, how can we bring some structure into it.
    Forth beginners need a place where Taqoz can be accessed in a neat and tidy way.
    Then we need more documentation like this glossary. For example we need to know which resources are used internally by Taqoz e.g. LUT or this.
    Then, who gets to know what, when, where Peter changed/corrected something in which file.

  • bob_g4bbybob_g4bby Posts: 455
    edited 2021-05-22 19:44

    As a suggestion, you might start writing in Taqoz with the help of the glossary / source code / examples and show what you achieve in the forum or in a pdf. e.g. If you have a real need to know the Taqoz memory footprint for your projects, then research it in the listings, write it up and I for one will add a link to it in the glossary - it's useful info for me too. That way we slowly grow a Taqoz programmer's guide. It's only through example will other people join in - and even then, it's not guaranteed. If you're a beginner with Forth, ask as many questions as you like to get going.

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