CON _clkfreq = 297_000_000 'set clock frequency LED_p2eval = 56 ' P2EVAL Blue LED 0=ON PUB go() repeat ' PINTOGGLE(LED_p2eval) PR0 := 10 CALL(@_HubToggle) ' call Toggle LED WAITMS(4000) ' 4s DAT orgh _hubToggle ' mov PR0,#10 ' spin pasm comms registers .loop drvnot #LED_p2eval ' flash P2EVAL blue led waitx ##_clkfreq/2 ' 0.5s djnz PR0,#.loop RET ' return
It is really simple code that just flashes the P56 LED on the P2EVAL pcb. I had to cull my code back to only the basics to get something working. Note the two lines commented out to give alternative uses.