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Happy Easter and Thanks — Parallax Forums

Happy Easter and Thanks

WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
edited 2019-04-22 01:15 in General Discussion
Happy Easter from Robotics Under the Stole -

Thanks to all of you for your steadfast presence here on the Forums, your wise counsel, and the encouraging joy that you constantly share!


  • Happy Easter to you as well! Maybe I should try to get my priest interested in robotics as well! :smile:
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2019-04-22 02:24
    @David Betz - That's better than getting your robot interested in being a priest...

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    Amen on all points, Brother Whit. Happy Easter, He is risen!
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    @erco - same to you and all the fam!
  • Whit wrote: »
    @David Betz - That's better than getting your robot interested in being a priest...

    I doubt that any robots I own would be up to the job.

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    David Betz wrote: »
    I doubt that any robots I own would be up to the job.

    @Whit: You really need to create a "conversion" kit to turn any capable Parallax robot (S2 and forward) into a...

    Holy Roller.

  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
  • erco wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    I doubt that any robots I own would be up to the job.

    @Whit: You really need to create a "conversion" kit to turn any capable Parallax robot (S2 and forward) into a...

    Holy Roller.
    If someone makes one of those conversion kits I won't be buying one. I have a preference for human priests. I suspect they will deliver much more interesting sermons! :smile:

  • Amen to that!
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    Thanks all for the fun!
  • Happy Easter, from a random hotel in SoCal, a couple days late :)
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    edited 2019-04-24 05:45
    At a minimum, you could program your robot to determine Easter dates. No small feat! BASIC program below from

    Sub EasterDate (d, m, y)


    ' y is a 4 digit year 1583 to 4099
    ' d returns the day of the month of Easter
    ' m returns the month of Easter

    ' Easter Sunday is the Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon
    ' (PFM) date for the year

    ' This algorithm is an arithmetic interpretation of the 3 step
    ' Easter Dating Method developed by Ron Mallen 1985, as a vast
    ' improvement on the method described in the Common Prayer Book

    ' Because this algorithm is a direct translation of the
    ' official tables, it can be easily proved to be 100% correct

    ' This algorithm derives values by sequential inter-dependent
    ' calculations, so ... DO NOT MODIFY THE ORDER OF CALCULATIONS!

    ' The \ operator may be unfamiliar - it means integer division
    ' for example, 30 \ 7 = 4 (the remainder is ignored)

    ' All variables are integer data types

    ' It's free! Please do not modify code or comments!
    ' ==========================================================
    Dim FirstDig, Remain19, temp 'intermediate results
    Dim tA, tB, tC, tD, tE 'table A to E results

    FirstDig = y \ 100 'first 2 digits of year
    Remain19 = y Mod 19 'remainder of year / 19

    ' calculate PFM date
    temp = (FirstDig - 15) \ 2 + 202 - 11 * Remain19

    Select Case FirstDig
    Case 21, 24, 25, 27 To 32, 34, 35, 38
    temp = temp - 1
    Case 33, 36, 37, 39, 40
    temp = temp - 2
    End Select
    temp = temp Mod 30

    tA = temp + 21
    If temp = 29 Then tA = tA - 1
    If (temp = 28 And Remain19 > 10) Then tA = tA - 1

    'find the next Sunday
    tB = (tA - 19) Mod 7

    tC = (40 - FirstDig) Mod 4
    If tC = 3 Then tC = tC + 1
    If tC > 1 Then tC = tC + 1

    temp = y Mod 100
    tD = (temp + temp \ 4) Mod 7

    tE = ((20 - tB - tC - tD) Mod 7) + 1
    d = tA + tE

    'return the date
    If d > 31 Then
    d = d - 31
    m = 4
    m = 3
    End If

    End Sub
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    Very impressive find, erco!
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