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Prop2 FPGA files!!! - Updated 2 June 2018 - Final Version 32i - Page 108 — Parallax Forums

Prop2 FPGA files!!! - Updated 2 June 2018 - Final Version 32i



  • cgracey wrote: »
    Ozpropdev, I suppose you've already realized, but it will be necessary to modify your tools to accommodate the moved instructions: WAITX/RFVAR/RFVARS and the new instruction: ONES. Also, the data reported back from GETINT and SETBRK has been changed and added to. These may have effect on your single-step debugger.
    Yes, that was on todays "todo" list.

  • P2 v28 and the FS/LS USB keyboard/mouse demo looks to be working fine.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Super, Garryj! Thanks for reporting.

    I've had some low-level anxiety for a week over the flakiness that Peter was experiencing. I really hope we'll discover any lurking problems. It would be good to know what caused his troubles. And I don't understand why that SD card mux caused things to lock up. Very strange, but now that I've hard-coded the SD card pins into P61..P58, things seems to be okay.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    V28 has been running fine for me outputting lots of messages of strings, hex, etc.

    Next to get SD working :)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Also have DIRL, DIRH, OUTNOT all working fine driving an RGB LED.
  • Chip
    The Z result in the new "ONES" instruction doesn't seem to reflect (result=0).
  • Perhaps ONES would work better if it were moved to another opcode! :)
  • V28aa working fine on CVA9. I will try out the new instructions.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    The Z result in the new "ONES" instruction doesn't seem to reflect (result=0).

    Okay. I forgot what it does, exactly, and I won't be back till later, but I'll look at it tonight.
  • cgracey wrote: »
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    The Z result in the new "ONES" instruction doesn't seem to reflect (result=0).

    Okay. I forgot what it does, exactly, and I won't be back till later, but I'll look at it tonight.
    The "ENCOD" instruction in the same instruction group seems to have the same issue as ONES with the Z result.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Do you want a couple of new instructions?
    If so, there were a couple you had intended to implement way back ...

    1. A basic instruction for helping calculate CRC
    2. An instruction to help accumulate NRZI serial eg USB. However, we have smart pins that can do this, so it would just provide some additional bit bang help.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Do you want a couple of new instructions?
    If so, there were a couple you had intended to implement way back ...

    1. A basic instruction for helping calculate CRC
    2. An instruction to help accumulate NRZI serial eg USB. However, we have smart pins that can do this, so it would just provide some additional bit bang help.

    1) I think this would be very useful for USB intra-packet calculations. What does it look like, though?
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    cgracey wrote: »
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    The Z result in the new "ONES" instruction doesn't seem to reflect (result=0).

    Okay. I forgot what it does, exactly, and I won't be back till later, but I'll look at it tonight.
    The "ENCOD" instruction in the same instruction group seems to have the same issue as ONES with the Z result.

    Thanks. I had C and Z swapped on ENCOD and ONES. Fixed now.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2017-12-13 21:30
    I will dig out the old thread(s) and refresh myself and then post an update/link.
    I worked out that it was fairly simple to have a CRC bit calculator, where the new bit was in the C or Z flag. This way the CRC version (CRC16, CCITT, etc) could be "programmed" in software. It could operate in its own "adjacent" cog pair to get parallel throughout.

    Meanwhile, I am also working on the minimal SD boot code and v28.

    BTW I am really pleased with the widening of the various registers to 32 bits. It's just one less thing to think about.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2017-12-13 21:57
    Okay. A few things have been upgraded and fixed. I'm compiling a V29 now:

    - PTRA/PTRB are now 32-bit (they were 20-bit)
    - The hardware stack is now 32-bit (it was 22-bit)
    - {SETQ+}COGINIT data paths are now 32-bit (they were 20-bit)
    - C/Z flag reporting for ENCOD/ONES has been fixed (C/Z were swapped)
    - ENCOD sets C if S>0 (operation was valid)
    - New test and branch instructions: TJO/TJE/TJM/TJV
    - SUMxx instructions now report 'correct sign' into C for TJV compatibility

    I feel like this is getting pretty 'final' now.

    Thanks, all you guys, for your input.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2017-12-13 21:27
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I will dig out the old thread(s) and refresh myself and then post an update/link.

    Meanwhile, I am also working on the minimal SD boot code and v28.

    I am really pleased with the widening of the various registers to 32 bits.

    Yes, having those data paths necked down was akin to having too tight a collar on a shirt.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2017-12-14 02:26
    Here is a copy of the post about the CRC instruction (Nov 2013)...

    Attached is a simple spin program for the P1 to calculate any CRC.
    There are various polynomials, number of bits, lsb/msb first, preset crc initial value, xor final value, send LSB/MSB crc byte first.
    But a general purpose CRC is better.

    Would some of you please test/modify this program and check it works?

    What I would like to do is ask Chip for a single-bit CRC instruction for the P2. IMHO the best format for this would be that the data-bit would be in the C flag. Because we only have P2 instructions available with a single operand [#]D style, I thought that the polynomial could be written to the ACCA (perhaps or ACCB?) and that D would point to the CRC register in cog memory.

    This is the CRC calculation in spin for a byte...
        d := DATA & $FF
        repeat i from 0 to 7
          c := (d ^ crc) & $01                              ' data bit 0 XOR crc bit 0
          d := d >> 1                                       ' data >> 1
          crc := crc >> 1                                   ' crc  >> 1
          if c
            crc := crc ^ poly                               ' if c==1: crc xor poly

    Postedit 29May2015
    This is the corrected code for a single bit (msb first)...
    poly=$8005 and initially crc16=0
      c := (d ^ (crc16>>15)) & $0001 ' data-bit xor crc16[15]
      crc16 := (crc16 << 1) & $FFFF  ' crc16 << 1
      if c                           ' c==1?
        crc16 := crc16 ^ poly        ' c==1: crc xor poly

    This is a possible P2 CRC bit accumulate instruction format...
    where D = CRC Register, C = current data bit, ACCA = polynomial
    The CRCBIT instruction performs the following...
    (1) X := C XOR D[0]
    (2) D := D >> 1
    (3) if X == 1 then D := D XOR ACCA

    The idea is that for bit-banging, the CRCBIT instruction would be called for each bit sent/received, and the bit would already be in C.
    I expect CRCBIT should be capable of being a 1 clock instruction.

    So, to accumulate an 8 bit byte (disregarding any reversals and initialisation) the following could be used...
    This would take 2+16 clocks per byte, or for 4 bytes in a passed long 2+64 clocks.
            REPS    #2,#8           '\\ 2 instructions x 8 loops
            NOP                     '|| spacer
            SHR     DATA, #1  WC    '\\ C:=DATA[0]
            CRCBIT  CRC             '// accumulate 1bit into crc
    This method does not require the CRCBIT instruction to know the number of bits in the algorithm.

    Attachment not found.

    There is further info here...
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Thanks, Cluso. I will try to get my head around that tomorrow.

    We need to be able to put whole bytes into it, right?
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    New v29 at the top of this thread. Lots of little improvements.

    At the moment, I only have 8-cog/64-smart-pin FPGA files for the BeMicro-A9 and the Prop123-A9.

    I'll add more images tomorrow.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    cgracey wrote: »
    Thanks, Cluso. I will try to get my head around that tomorrow.

    We need to be able to put whole bytes into it, right?
    That wasn't my intention. My idea was a single bit at a time, and any width CRC with any formula.

    A REP loop could perform a shift instruction followed by the CRCBIT instruction.

    My thought was to make the instruction as generic as possible to allow for all the various CRC incarnations.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    cgracey wrote: »
    New v29 at the top of this thread. Lots of little improvements.

    At the moment, I only have 8-cog/64-smart-pin FPGA files for the BeMicro-A9 and the Prop123-A9.

    I'll add more images tomorrow.

    They seem to be the only ones being used currently. You might wait to see if anyone wants any other files - save your time.
  • Chip
    Both A9 V29 images loaded and running Ok. Thanks!

    BTW Regarding images for the other FPGA boards, I have multiple test setups and use DE2-115 and DE0-Nano as well.
  • A9 and DE2 here.
  • Now that the stack has been widened to 32 bits, I expect more data to be put in it. Is 8 levels enough? I know it's not meant to be a general-purpose stack, but it does have the advantage of being a "standard location" for passing parameters and return values between third-party code.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2017-12-14 18:59
    Since so many changes are being made again I'm wondering if you might add a TLB so we can do virtual memory.
  • As the stack is now 32-bit would it be better for C and Z to be bits 31 and 30 for CALLs and POPs?
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    TonyB_ wrote: »
    As the stack is now 32-bit would it be better for C and Z to be bits 31 and 30 for CALLs and POPs?

    The CALLD instructions use the same bit locations to store the flags, too. If they all changed, it could pave the way for future program counter expansion.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2017-12-14 20:48
    Seairth wrote: »
    Now that the stack has been widened to 32 bits, I expect more data to be put in it. Is 8 levels enough? I know it's not meant to be a general-purpose stack, but it does have the advantage of being a "standard location" for passing parameters and return values between third-party code.

    The problem is that the stack is currently built from flipflops. To get any real size increase, we would have to go to a RAM. That might be a big change with OnSemi. I think we would have to buffer the top of the stack with 32 flipflops.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    cgracey wrote: »
    Thanks, Cluso. I will try to get my head around that tomorrow.

    We need to be able to put whole bytes into it, right?
    That wasn't my intention. My idea was a single bit at a time, and any width CRC with any formula.

    A REP loop could perform a shift instruction followed by the CRCBIT instruction.

    My thought was to make the instruction as generic as possible to allow for all the various CRC incarnations.

    But how wide must the rotator be? 16 bits with options for 8 and 5 bits?
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    David Betz wrote: »
    Since so many changes are being made again I'm wondering if you might add a TLB so we can do virtual memory.

    These changes are just minor refinements, not big things that would require deep re-thinking.
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