i4004 Robot
Last 2 years i work on a project with a i4004 micorprocessor of intel. A real white ceramatic with gold pin version. A long time i think "should he works" so i start with it 2 years ago. I build a test system with a Propeller chip with act as ROM. Originel Intel programmed the ROM's for your application. But on this moment the don't, so I compile a program on the website: http://www.e4004.szyc.org/asm.html and copy the hexcode to a SD-card. This code would be use'd by the Propellerchip as ROM. This works very good. The program on the Propeller is SPIN, but later i think i rewrite some part to PASM for the speed.
The first test of the system was to check the Sync-signal out of the processor. When you give a (double) clock signal to the i4004 it give each 8 clock pulses 1 Sync back:

Later I connect 4 led's on the i4002 RAM. Each RAM contain's also 4 output pin's. Then I run the famous nightrider light:

After that I buy a lot off i4001 ROM's. Because a i4001 ROM could have 4 I/O pin's. But the big question is "are they input or output ??". When Intel programmed your ROM's you must specify if they must be input or output and if they must be pull-up or pull-down programmed. To figure this out cost me a lot of i4001 ROM's (money) en time. I buy 10 of them and only with 1 I could read the 4 input's corectly. But I can, so I am happy !!
Now I am on the point that I finishing the hardware for my i4004-Robot. I mount a simple 5 sensor linefollwer sensor on it, but only connect the inner 3 of them and a button on the robot. So my 4 input's are used. My 4 ouput's go to the double H-Bridge motordriver so is also used. But this is a complete Robot in my opinion.
Yesterdag a do the first testdrive to chech if my sensor's and moto's are working fine in the program, and they do:

It took me 2 year's (with some big pauses) to make this working. I now, there are some other systems to work with "normal" EPROM's and the i4004. But I want to use the original MCS4 chipset, the i4004 processor and the i4001, i4002 and i4003 chip's around it. That is the reson I use a propellerchip and a SD-card with act as ROM.
Working with the Propellerchip is fantastic. I have made a couple project's with it and love it. If I have a question about SPIN or the Propeller I read en search on the forum or manual and i find an answer. I thanks al the people on the forum for there talks. I learn a lot of there talking to each other.
Now I go to do the next step with this robot and that is to program it for a simple challenge on the roborama game's this autum in the Netherlands.
Greeting Abraham Vreugdenhil.
Last 2 years i work on a project with a i4004 micorprocessor of intel. A real white ceramatic with gold pin version. A long time i think "should he works" so i start with it 2 years ago. I build a test system with a Propeller chip with act as ROM. Originel Intel programmed the ROM's for your application. But on this moment the don't, so I compile a program on the website: http://www.e4004.szyc.org/asm.html and copy the hexcode to a SD-card. This code would be use'd by the Propellerchip as ROM. This works very good. The program on the Propeller is SPIN, but later i think i rewrite some part to PASM for the speed.
The first test of the system was to check the Sync-signal out of the processor. When you give a (double) clock signal to the i4004 it give each 8 clock pulses 1 Sync back:

Later I connect 4 led's on the i4002 RAM. Each RAM contain's also 4 output pin's. Then I run the famous nightrider light:

After that I buy a lot off i4001 ROM's. Because a i4001 ROM could have 4 I/O pin's. But the big question is "are they input or output ??". When Intel programmed your ROM's you must specify if they must be input or output and if they must be pull-up or pull-down programmed. To figure this out cost me a lot of i4001 ROM's (money) en time. I buy 10 of them and only with 1 I could read the 4 input's corectly. But I can, so I am happy !!
Now I am on the point that I finishing the hardware for my i4004-Robot. I mount a simple 5 sensor linefollwer sensor on it, but only connect the inner 3 of them and a button on the robot. So my 4 input's are used. My 4 ouput's go to the double H-Bridge motordriver so is also used. But this is a complete Robot in my opinion.
Yesterdag a do the first testdrive to chech if my sensor's and moto's are working fine in the program, and they do:

It took me 2 year's (with some big pauses) to make this working. I now, there are some other systems to work with "normal" EPROM's and the i4004. But I want to use the original MCS4 chipset, the i4004 processor and the i4001, i4002 and i4003 chip's around it. That is the reson I use a propellerchip and a SD-card with act as ROM.
Working with the Propellerchip is fantastic. I have made a couple project's with it and love it. If I have a question about SPIN or the Propeller I read en search on the forum or manual and i find an answer. I thanks al the people on the forum for there talks. I learn a lot of there talking to each other.
Now I go to do the next step with this robot and that is to program it for a simple challenge on the roborama game's this autum in the Netherlands.
Greeting Abraham Vreugdenhil.
Is HCC! Robotica the robotic's club that you are in?
Interesting site for those who want to do a little surfing... https://robotica.hcc.nl/
Imagine if you turn your genius and persistence to doing good instead of using a Prop as a mere prop.
Hey, I'm having fun with puns but don't forget to put one of these stickers on the bot!
Hello Whit.
Yes, I am a member sinds 20 years. Each month we come together at a location in the centre of the Nederlands to talk to each other. In that building is olso a meeting of another section of the HCC (Hobby Computer Club), called the Artificiël Intelligent usergroup. So 2 meeting's at the same place on the same saturday, I like it.
Greeting Abraham.
I still have two 4004 and two 8008. Support chips are getting hard to find.
I have three I8008s but no I4004 parts. And I've been playing with building an I8008 something else for a while now.
That's where the problem is hiding, it's what to do with one that's doing it.
When I started working in the Electronics industry back in 1977, my first job was with a local electronic scale manufacturer. Some of their early scales were using i4004 processors and eventually they moved onto i4040 processors. While I was there I was able to obtain a few sets of used i4004,i4002 and i4040 chips that I still have. I recently acquired a MCS4 chip tester on ebay MCS-4-Test-Board-for-4004-4040-Processors and was able to verify my chips still work after almost 40 years.
I always like to see "old" processors still doing useful/fun things. Your project makes me want to bring my 4004's out of retirement and put them to use.
Check out the 4004.com site for more info about the 4004.
@Francis Bauer
A lot of people "works" with the i4004, but mostly the control a output by a i4002. One of my big challenge was to use an originel i4001 as an input. This cost me a lot of time (and money) but it works !!
The website: http://www.frank-buss.de/4004/index.html inspired me to start with the i4004. Based on his schema i build my own system. But ofcourse with the Propeller instead of a PIC.
@Buck Rogers
There are some website's on e-bay who sell the i4001 and i4002 chip's. Mostly the shippingcost are very high, but sometime's you can buy them for a good price. The seller "acpsurplus" have a lot of i400x stuff.
Greeting Abraham.
Hehe, yes, double points for applying a 201x Brand to a 45 year old Chip family !!
Intel seems to be getting back into Microcontrollers, if in a somewhat stuttering manner.