BS2pe and M55607 sensor
in BASIC Stamp
I'm trying to build an altitude recorder for model rockets. I'm using the BS2pe and M55607 altimeter module. Everything works fine when I change floors in my home by walking but when I launched it on a rocket, it did not record any data. I've made quick changes in height and the problem is repeated. A slow transition records the data as it should.
Is there a limitation on the acceleration for either the BS2pe or M55607 modules?
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to build an altitude recorder for model rockets. I'm using the BS2pe and M55607 altimeter module. Everything works fine when I change floors in my home by walking but when I launched it on a rocket, it did not record any data. I've made quick changes in height and the problem is repeated. A slow transition records the data as it should.
Is there a limitation on the acceleration for either the BS2pe or M55607 modules?
Thanks in advance.
How many data points do you expect to record during a flight?
Thanks for the response. I'm storing the data on the 25LC640 memory chip and I have enough space to record every .5 seconds for several minutes.
I designed the boards and have checked the solder joints and have hot glued the ends of interconnecting wires. The only problem might be the CR2032 cell holder breaking contact during launch.
When I have launched it, it will record data fine until the launch takes place. It then acts like the system locks and it stops recording and seems to go into a sleep mode?
I'll get some data and post a graph of what happens.
Thanks again the the input.