midi from stamp
in BASIC Stamp
Can any of the stamps output midi messages ?
Simply the right speed serial out (no opto needed)
To drive one of these :
Simply the right speed serial out (no opto needed)
To drive one of these :
Here's an article I wrote (yes, I am the artist formerly known as Jon Williams) about sending MIDI messages from a BS2:
-- http://peabody.sapp.org/class/dmp2/read/nv94_gettin_midi_with_it.pdf
Actually this is the one I will use :
I've used both a PicAxe and MicroMite with the SparkFun
and FluxamaSynth synths, but thought I'd try something
(slightly) new ...............
I'm afraid I'm 'challenged' when it comes to anything other than Basic.
I have thought about the MicroMite/Propeller hybrid out there with
the Atari emulator (can't remember the name now)
I was intimidated by Spin at first but it's very similar to PBASIC though a few commands work differently.
I learned Spin from the Propeller Education Kit text and looking at other people's programs and projects.
There is also a short tutorial in the old V1.01 Propeller Manual.
http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/Propeller Manual v1.01bmarked.pdf
The Propeller Activity Board is the best value and it happens to be on sale now.
You can program the propeller chip with various tool chains. One is Spin and PASM, the 'nature' languages, develop by the chip designer himself. Then there are multiple C compilers, one based on GCC. You also can use PropBasic or FORTH and multiple other variations and languages.
Someone even wrote a program to run ladder logic on the prop. can't find it anymore.
but Spin is quite easy to understand if you are used to basic.
the same as this:
or PWM or somesuch command ?
What Spin documentation I've found is (for me) pretty much useless.
Note ! " for me " ...... I'm not knocking it .........
There are other sound systems, too, especially from those into retro gaming. At EFX-TEK (myself and another former Parallax employee) we created a commercial WAV player board from the Propeller that gets used in museums, trade show displays, movie props, and amusement parks (including a very famous one here in SoCal I'm not allowed to mention).
The Propeller doesn't have a lot of "fancy." What it does have is the architecture to let YOU be as fancy as you like.
My acting coach, the late, great Cliff Osmond, used to say, "You can do this -- you just have to get out of your own way." I promise that if you'll get an Activity Board and give yourself 30 minutes a day for a month (yes, the first few days will be tricky), you'll get it and then start kicking yourself for not trying the Propeller sooner.
There may not be as much hold-your-hand documentation for the Propeller, but what's there is valid. And you have these forums where many of use will -- if you'll put in a bit of effort -- help you work through the tricky stuff.
You're in luck! Martin Hebel, ( a good forum member) wrote some BS2 functions for the Propeller:
You might look around the OBEX for some great objects for the taking.
One of my favorite approaches .....
BBC BASIC (the only contemporary BASIC with SOUND)
for WINDOWS (which comes with a software midi synth)
no midi here :