ESP8266 BASIC - just when you thought you were safe with LUA and Arduino...

I just stumbled across this little gem, haven't tried it yet.
BASIC Interpreter for ESP2866
Now there's no reason not to hook up an ESP8266 to you Propeller or BASIC Stamp (maybe?)!!
Go forth and play!! (no, not that GO or that Forth)
BASIC Interpreter for ESP2866
Now there's no reason not to hook up an ESP8266 to you Propeller or BASIC Stamp (maybe?)!!

Go forth and play!! (no, not that GO or that Forth)
I can't go over $16.99
All of you should see the <DELETED!> cheap boards using that thing available from Micro Center. If you thought that price was low, they want around six to seven dollars for them.
That's odd, Erco your robot was seen boarding a bus in the PA Bus Terminal in Times Square.
I found that the ESP8266-11 works well & is easier to connect in a single header configuration. I solder the module to half of a SO-16 adapter. See the attached image.
ESP8266-11 found on eBay @ US $3.21:
The ESP8266 Wiki page has lots of info, though I did not find memory maps for each specific module type:
BTW: check this link about ESP8266 Basic:
One of the threads above, talks about issues with what one user thought had more flash...
Seems some grey market creep is out there, from less than honest vendors.
SRAM is in the device, FLASH is boot flash, like P1/P2 & seems to vary as above.
Mentions Winbond W25Q32, which is a 32Mbit=4MByte device ?
Could cache the Prop code, and allow simple re-flash with no link ?
(thinking more of P2 than P1)
I've not dug that deep, but I think the native code loads into SRAM and executes from there.
Of course once you add scripts and languages, (like this Basic Interpreter) things blur and byte-code can come from almost anywhere..
I can see extra flash is always going to be useful and the incremental cost of adding that is falling.
W25Q32 sounds like quite a useful size. Would hold a P2 image in one corner....
Wake me up when it's ready.
Then better wakeup:
Ha, I just woke up and that's the first thing I read. What a great start to the day.
It's pretty old news by now. Thought you already knew
Had a look at the github and.....
The command to flash the device is:
I presume this is a command line entry - do you, in this day and age, actually have to laboriously type that all in, not making any mistakes or is it possible to just cut and paste?
Normally one would copy and paste a command like that. Perhaps in two goes as it might have a line break in there. Then edit the com port and boom it's done.
If you need to do it a gain it's in the command history. Just hit up arrow an RETURN.
If you think you might need to do it again in the future jut past it into a script. And then:
$ ./
All in all much easier than messing with any GUI interface for such things
My favourite are the 12e's as they have the largest installed flash, and more pins
01's are great for quick&dirty when you don't need a lot of I/O
07's are for longer range comms with an external antenna
So far, I have been mostly using them with the Arduino port, and with Lua.
My ESP-01 dev board:
I think my freight forwarder's next run to the states (for USPS mailing) will be on Tuesday, so I should have a tracking number then.
I use the larger prototyping board for larger projects, including Prop projects.
Here are a couple of my articles using the large board for Pi projects:
I also used it for an ESP-01 article:
FYI, the large board also works nicely with QuickStart and all the 4"x3" Propeller boards (and all my 4"x3" Propeller boards)
Took a look at your eeprom programmer article and saw that you wanted to use zif sockets but could not find 8 pin ones. Had the same problem a while back and solved it by using using a "universal" 40 pin socket. They fit both the 0.3" and 0.6" pin spacing of the dip chips, so four 8 pin chips can be loaded in the socket with one space between each chip. In some cases you can even get 5 chips in the socket.
A socket like this should work well.
That's pretty cheap for a ZIP socket! I remember when they used to cost >30 dollars.
Thanks for the link.
Yes, it is pretty cheap. IIRC I paid over 40 dollars the last time I bought one.
I'd prefer to use the 16 pin zif's instead of 40's simply due to lower probability of mis-aligning those 8 pin dips.