StampPlot Lite or Pro for Window 7 & 8

Several of the Stamp-in-Class manuals, such as What's a Microcontroller, say to use StampPlot Lite (1.7) which was written after Windows XP was released. My new computer has Windows 7 and other people are using Windows 8. I know the last version StampPlot Pro (3.85) was created after Windows 7 was released so should I be using this version instead of Lite? And what about StampPlot Pro 3.75 which is on the Parallax website?
SelmaWare Solutions
Lite may be found here:
- As to Process Control text and StampPlot Pro, version 3.75 has issues with post-XP OS's. Version 3.85 should be used and can be downloaded here:
I've asked Parallax staff to update their version.
The only problem appears to be the SIC Process Control Macros will not open by association (double-clicking the SP macro does not load it into StampPlot). For the user to open the installed macros they must:
1) Open StampPlot Manually
2) Select the "Macro" menu item, "Run Macro", and locate the desired macro file manually in Desktop\SIC Process Control
Other than that, all appears to operate correctly.
Thanks, hope this helps,
Martin Hebel
SelmaWare Solutions
Thanks for clarifying that. Can I install both programs on the same computer or should I use Lite first and then switch to Pro later?
Great! Thanks Martin for the help.
I'm having a related issue. I'm in a Control Systems class and we all had the problem above until we figured out we needed to run the macro manually. However, now I'm having a problem with Stampplot and Activity 4-6 in the Process Control Text. Basically, we're supposed to run and the sic_pc_gen_process.spm macro. However, after doing so, running the macro, and connecting in Stampplot... nothing happens. There's a bunch of labels/parameters in (see below) that are supposed to be getting passed to Stampplot but none of that changes in Stampplot either. It's like the macro doesn't work. I'm running Windows 7. I've tried to see which point the program gets hung up and it appears it doesn't even complete the 1st subroutine (ReadSP) in the Main routine. It doesn't complete the line in that section: DEBUGIN DEC SP_Data. I don't know what's going on with this macro... everything in Activity 4-1 and Challenge 4-1 worked fine. However, this does appear to the be the first code that's passing labels to Stampplot.
[ Initialization ]
PAUSE 500 ' Connection stabilizing time
DEBUG CR,"!RSET",CR, ' Reset StampPlot
"!CLRC",CR, ' Clear any text on plot
"!SPAN 0,10000",CR ' Set Y-Axis span
' Label text boxes
DEBUG "!O lblData = Sample Time\n (mSec)", CR,
"!O txtData = 1000", CR,
"!O txtR = ", CR,
"!O txtY = ", CR,
"!O txtG = Sampled", CR,
"!O Stat1 = Counts:", CR,
"!O Stat2 = RPM:", CR,
"!O txtFileName = Tach1", CR
DEBUG "!O Meter = 0,0,10000,0,10000", CR ' Set SP meter
DEBUG "!RSET", CR ' Reset after configuring
LOW Sampled