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Propeller 2 Release Date ?

megaionstormmegaionstorm Posts: 178
edited 2013-05-23 22:01 in Propeller 2
In how many months/years would the Propeller 2 be released ?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-05-18 15:32
    Nobody knows. There are too many steps that have to be accomplished successfully to know. There was some hope that the most recent shuttle run, where a few test chips would be made, would come off ok. Unfortunately, there was a mistake in the mask design and Parallax will have to wait for the next shuttle run this summer before testing of actual chips can begin. There is a limited (one cog) real-time simulation running on a logic array that's being used for software development and this can continue until chips are available. We're still talking about close to a year of months before well tested quantity production could happen.
  • megaionstormmegaionstorm Posts: 178
    edited 2013-05-18 16:05
    How many cogs and pins would it have ?
  • pedwardpedward Posts: 1,642
    edited 2013-05-18 16:25
    P2 is a 128 pin TQFP .4mm pitch package. It has 96 I/O pins, 8 COGs, and 125K+ of RAM. It runs at 160Mhz with 1 instruction per clock.

    The 2 FPGA development boards are the DE0-Nano and DE2-115 Terasic boards. The DE0-Nanao emulates a 1 COG P2 with 32 I/O and 32KB RAM. The DE2-115 does 5 COGs, 96KB RAM. Both run at 60MHz.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,569
    edited 2013-05-18 16:46
    One small correction... "It has 96 I/O pins" ... actually it has 92 I/O pins. Four of the pins are reserved; Two for Crystal ; One for RESn (Reset) ; One for BOEn (Brownout)
  • megaionstormmegaionstorm Posts: 178
    edited 2013-05-18 17:01
    Something known about the target price of the Propeller 2 ?
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2013-05-18 22:45
    Something known about the target price of the Propeller 2 ?

    Depends on several factors:
    • Our cost per die of fabrication, packaging and testing. Chip provided numbers (a couple of dollars) informally at the Official Propeller Conference based on our TSMC fabrication plans. This particular foundry has a much higher startup cost for shuttle and mask set, but a lower unit cost. We are presently looking at alternatives which might increase our unit cost per die, but have a lower shuttle/mask cost. Our recent submittal had a poly layer error, so we are evaluating an alternative for the next foundry run. Bottom line: we don't know what our fabrication costs will be at this stage.
    • Desired Rate of Return Depending on our projected volume, and your price, how quickly we expect to make a return on our investment. This isn't the most useful variable to consider in pricing the Propeller 2, however.
    • Target application volumes High-volume customers can drive the costs down for low-volume customers. If we obtain some large designs with Propeller 2 then our costs decrease, along with yours.
    • Customer's volume Parallax has a large number of customers who want a small number of chips, and a much smaller number of customers who want a large volume of chips. Chances are the price curve will be fairly steep until 1000 units (higher price at low volume, much less above 1K units).
    I imagine a low-volume price would be between $15-20, and production pricing around $10, but it's too early to say. Our current priority is to get a working Propeller 2, and then hopefully we can have a meaningful discussion with our customers about price. We'll be very open with you when this time comes.
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2013-05-19 02:51
    Sad to say, Propeller II had a short somewhere inside the COGs. Yes, we winced when it was announced.

    However, Propeller II is a complicated microcontroller, totaling in 20 - 30s million transistors so it actually took a lot of attention just to do it right - what just happened also have proved something more important; presistence. From Chip and Beau, we also have learned much about chip-making, and how difficulty it is.

    So, we might have better luck in early Autumn due to TSMC's run schedules and test / burn-in to determine the final price-out based on yields. I am waiting also, having learned all about chip-making myself.

    Yet, Propeller still have enough punches (due to eight COGs, one CPU core for each COGs), and we only have got that far with them.
  • megaionstormmegaionstorm Posts: 178
    edited 2013-05-19 03:56
    one CPU core for each COG

  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2013-05-19 06:32
    There are eight COGs in Propeller 1 and II (grab a datasheet so you get the idea of what kind of microcontroller Propeller is), so there are actually eight CPU (processor) cores on a die.

    However, the CPU cores in both microcontrollers are electrically arranged so they are dealt with in a round-robin (if you have dealt with SPARC CPU, it's somewhat similar but different).

    The CPU cores in both microcontrollers are obviously different - the first being very, very simple (think 32-bit version of 6502), while propeller II being multi-threaded again similar to SPARC so you can stuff four - eight threads in a particular COG which makes Propeller II even more powerful.

    Why "COG"? You guess it, it's like clockworks - going around like an actual clock (if this analogy sucks, I apologize).
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2013-05-19 09:15

    A COG is basically a 32 bit CPU, or "core" as they might say elsewhere.

    To be clear, all 8 COGs can operate at full speed at the same time. And they all have direct access to all the I/O pins, at full speed.

    When Dr Mario says "arranged so they are dealt with in a round-robin" that only comes into effect when COGs are accessing the main 32Kb of RAM (or ROM and a couple of other operations). In that case they have to "wait their turn" to access main memory.

    This is all made clear by some nice diagrams in the Propeller manual.
  • KC_RobKC_Rob Posts: 465
    edited 2013-05-19 10:38
    Dr. Mario wrote: »
    The CPU cores in both microcontrollers are obviously different - the first being very, very simple (think 32-bit version of 6502), while propeller II being multi-threaded again similar to SPARC so you can stuff four - eight threads in a particular COG which makes Propeller II even more powerful.
    I should add that the Propeller 1 is fairly capable itself, and you can do a fair amount with it. P1 is a reasonably simple and elegant solution to multi-core processing. (Hopefully, P2 will continue in that tradition -- time will tell.) When you consider that it has eight cogs (cores) and offers a good deal of flexibility, P1 is not at all difficult to use, and it is adequate for many many tasks (a tad more memory and speed, and it would be up for even more).
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2013-05-19 13:05
    Heater - spot on. That's to keep the 32KB hub cache RAM clean every time it's being accessed.

    KC_Rob - yup, that's doable, and pjv's own RTOS kernel come to mind - multi-threading on P1 is intentionally done to keep the active COGs busy, so it can keep tracks of events as defined by Systick generated by counters. I actually like this kernel, pretty simple and elegant if you think about it.
  • TinkersALotTinkersALot Posts: 535
    edited 2013-05-19 13:14
    Dr. Mario wrote: »

    ...and pjv's own RTOS kernel come to mind - multi-threading on P1...

    where can we learn more about the kernel you mentioned? it is here:
  • pedwardpedward Posts: 1,642
    edited 2013-05-19 13:59
    I just occurred to me that the metaphor of a distributor would make for a neat name for the P2.

    Call it the V8, since it's got 8 cylinders and a distributor!

    Then you can start a naming convention like Maxtor did with their hard drives. They would put pictures of muscle cars on the board, a GTO, etc.

    It doesn't seem so goofy when it's a diverse metaphor basis.
  • Dr. MarioDr. Mario Posts: 331
    edited 2013-05-19 14:08
    TinkersALot, yes, that's the kernel. I have looked at it, very nice assembler-based real-time kernel.

    Pedward, that's a good analogy.
  • agsags Posts: 386
    edited 2013-05-23 21:36
    pedward wrote: »
    ... It runs at 160Mhz with 1 instruction per clock...

    Is this correct? So it it 8x faster than the P1? (2x clock speed, 4x (less) clocks per instruction?)

    If so, will (counter) control of I/Os be 1/4 of clock (SDeR) or 1.5625ns resolution?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-05-23 21:49
    The system clock runs 2x faster and each cog does an instruction effectively every clock. There's actually a 4-stage pipeline, so 4 instructions are in different states of execution. Some actions will stall the pipeline or flush it, so not all instructions will work at that rate. Each cog can run multiple threads which effectively divides this throughput up.

    I think the counters work at the system clock rate, so the I/Os work with a 6.25ns resolution. Video is different since it works at multiples of the system clock. You'll have to actually look at the P2 documentation since I'm going from memory that may be stale or incorrect.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2013-05-23 22:01
    The P2 system counter is 64 bits as well.
    New instructions allow you to read the lower and upper 32 bits
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