BoeBot Figure 8 couldn't wait! This is Ken's BoeBot I just assembled. I have to add the flamethrower next, but I figured I should test the chassis first. This is actually the first BoeBot I have built or programmed...
My Fig 8 second loop could have been a tad smaller for symmetry, but I did all this in about 5 minutes and figured it was good enough for a first pass. I'll leave room for improvement so somebody else can have some fun!
It hooked a bit when it stopped at the end. Shoulda added some pulsout 750's for dynamic braking at the end!
' {$STAMP BS2}' {$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 1000
FOR W0=1TO435
PULSOUT 13, 790' left
PULSOUT 12,727'right
FOR W0=1TO360
PULSOUT 13, 777' left
PULSOUT 12,680'right
Not a single Eddie robot entry yet. Are Eddie, Kinect and MSRS up to the Figure 8 challenge?
This is kinda fun. Getting the code "just right" was a challenge. (My code was much the same as yours) There were some mishaps... Percival was knocked over a few times and we ran over Godzilla's tail once. Fortunately, having just destroyed Tokyo, the Big Guy was in a good mood and didn't incinerate anything! ;-)
Nicely done Amanda.. Godzilla and Percival, works for me..:thumb:
Dinner Plates are used in this demonstration of frivoulus figure 8 folly...
I have abandond the MESS for now, Magnets and Reed switches work great on model railroad rolling stock,
but not so great on robots with wobbly wheels...
I had to try... I dug Ted 2 out of mothballs for a figure-eight run. This was a lot easier because the tracks tend to dampen out minor differences in servo speeds.
Anyway, no one else had a tracked vehicle...
I had to try... I dug Ted 2 out of mothballs for a figure-eight run. This was a lot easier because the tracks tend to dampen out minor differences in servo speeds.
Anyway, no one else had a tracked vehicle...
Amanda, Kinda took a big chance with that poor teddy bear, you coulda squashed it flat with them big ol' tracks...
Check it out, I improved the caster on SpotBot, it's way smoother now, and more accurate...
Shaved a few seconds off the time around the plates too.
I like it much better this way...
Hey, just doing my part to help free the world from the evil of casters...:thumb:
@Duane - Thanks. The first attempt was kind of odd. I munged the code a bit and instead of a clockwise circle flowing smoothly into a counterclockwise to make the figure, Ted finished the clockwise circle, stopped and started backing up into a second clockwise circle. I mean, the end was fairly close to the start and it was technically figure-eight(ish), but it was one of those wtf moments. =:-| (Wish I'd filmed that one)
@ Tommy - That is nice! I like the servo steering. I recall seeing =somewhere= a similar layout, but the single wheel did the steering and provided the motive power. The back tires were freewheeling and just along for the ride. (Don't worry about the bears. They're a clever lot... one of them has managed to create his own Twitter account! I knew I should have turned on the Parental Controls! :-> )
I recall seeing =somewhere= a similar layout, but the single wheel did the steering and provided the motive power. The back tires were freewheeling and just along for the ride.
I believe erco called it a train, and mentions that location was important...
So grab some plates(or teddy bears) and give it a spin or basic or C or C++ or PropForth.5...
These things are dangerous from anywhere, It's not any safer in the back seat...
I've been secretly waiting for someone with treads (AMANDA!) to drive up onto each plate, do a tight circle on the plate, then drive onto the other plate and repeat.
I've been secretly waiting for someone with treads (AMANDA!) to drive up onto each plate, do a tight circle on the plate, then drive onto the other plate and repeat.
I thought about doing that with TankBot, but I've been occupied with a construction project.
Erco, these are really cool construction projects. I was given a free BS2 and Board of Education, but what to do with it? As luck would have it right around the same time I won an auction for four CR servos for $16. Not too shabby, so I'm building a 4WD bot with them. Here's the bot next to BOE bot and the underside:
The BOE bot has the Parallax gripper, my custom mini turret with ultrasonic sensor from eBay. Along side it are a pair of infrared sensors related to my previous IR compound eye project. They will mount on the gripper fingers to give them the ability to sense objects in proximity.
Oh, ROBOT construction. That's fine. I thought you were frittering your time away remodeling your house or something.
My wife has been asking me to build a shelf for months now. Eventually I will have to fritter away a weekend doing that, and cleaning the basement (shudder).
Who's bringing their Figure 8 robots (plus whatever fun stuff) to the Expo? Maybe we'll make our own little demo area and have people betting on the outcome...
Who's bringing their Figure 8 robots (plus whatever fun stuff) to the Expo? Maybe we'll make our own little demo area and have people betting on the outcome...
If I come, I'll bring the mecanum beast. Hopefully there will be kittens and small children at the Expo so I can entertain photomankc.
Better late than never... The GatorBots answer the erco Figure Eight Challenge with their s2s. This was done using only the GUI and some good old trial and error. You can see each segment of a quarter of each circle (run in a loop of four). We also added the innovation of scribbling the "8" too with a special banner on the pen top. The GatorBots could not resist adding a little silliness too (especially ScribblerKart). Enjoy... Oh, and take that erco!
Sweet! I like the way you hugged the plates.
This is kinda fun. Getting the code "just right" was a challenge. (My code was much the same as yours) There were some mishaps... Percival was knocked over a few times and we ran over Godzilla's tail once. Fortunately, having just destroyed Tokyo, the Big Guy was in a good mood and didn't incinerate anything! ;-)
Oh the humanity. Nice turn around on a BOE Bot video though.
Erco, let's see some flames being fired by that BOE bot. I guess you're right, Eddie or Madeusa aren't up to the figure eight challenge.
If not Eddie or Madeusa, then how about one of the original (and best) WOODEN Parallax platform robots?
Reltham has one!
This 2009 video has enough fire to tide you over until next week when I finish Flame-Boe:
Dinner Plates are used in this demonstration of frivoulus figure 8 folly...
I have abandond the MESS for now, Magnets and Reed switches work great on model railroad rolling stock,
but not so great on robots with wobbly wheels...
Note to self : bring fire extinguisher to UPEW...
it's a sturdy 3/16" thick, and it has a natural beauty too... of course you know this allready, Plywood brother...
Anyway, no one else had a tracked vehicle...
That was beautiful! I love tracked vehicles.
Thanks for posting.
Check it out, I improved the caster on SpotBot, it's way smoother now, and more accurate...
Shaved a few seconds off the time around the plates too.
I like it much better this way...
Hey, just doing my part to help free the world from the evil of casters...:thumb:
@ Tommy - That is nice! I like the servo steering. I recall seeing =somewhere= a similar layout, but the single wheel did the steering and provided the motive power. The back tires were freewheeling and just along for the ride. (Don't worry about the bears. They're a clever lot... one of them has managed to create his own Twitter account! I knew I should have turned on the Parental Controls! :-> )
So grab some plates(or teddy bears) and give it a spin or basic or C or C++ or PropForth.5...
These things are dangerous from anywhere, It's not any safer in the back seat...
I thought about doing that with TankBot, but I've been occupied with a construction project.
You'll do the right thing. There's only one chance to be first here.
The BOE bot has the Parallax gripper, my custom mini turret with ultrasonic sensor from eBay. Along side it are a pair of infrared sensors related to my previous IR compound eye project. They will mount on the gripper fingers to give them the ability to sense objects in proximity.
My wife has been asking me to build a shelf for months now. Eventually I will have to fritter away a weekend doing that, and cleaning the basement (shudder).
If I come, I'll bring the mecanum beast. Hopefully there will be kittens and small children at the Expo so I can entertain photomankc.
Off to check airline prices.
TSA should get a kick out of your carry-on mecanum beast.