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Alternative Serial Displays



  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2012-01-22 01:46
    COG (Chip On Glass) character displays are considerably cheaper than standard LCDs, nice looking, and available with i2c serial interface & 3.3 V power.
  • RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,773
    edited 2012-01-22 06:01
    Check out the LCD 5110. From spark fun says it has serial interface and less than $10 q1.
  • bsnutbsnut Posts: 521
    edited 2012-01-22 06:39
    Here's another of Jon's point that I agree with.
    The good news is that programming is programming, and if someone's done it on an Arduino you can generally port it to the Propeller without much pain -- I do it all the time.
    I found this info for you on the M204SD01B display on the Arduino page, which has the datasheet and pinout on the display that you have.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2012-01-22 06:49
    RS_Jim wrote: »
    Check out the LCD 5110. From spark fun says it has serial interface and less than $10 q1.

    You have to be careful when an LCD says it has a serial interface. SPI is considered a serial interface but requires more pins than a RS232 serial interface.
    This Sparkfun display needs a pin for SDIN, SCLK, SCE, D/C and RES datasheet
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-01-22 08:26
    One of the biggest problems I have at the moment is finding a display that has it's own plastic enclosure to be like a computer monitor for my product. A display the size of a 4x20 would be great since I don't want it to take up alot of room, but I want it to be readable. A full graphic display would be nice, but as posted earlier, an OLED has a burn in issue and I can't find a case to put just the display in without having to modify each box by hand which is a PITA and time consuming for each box.

    If I put my mind to it to write my own code for an LCD, I could probably do it. The problem is, I am trying to get a working prototype out as soon as possible so I can test it for a couple months in my own vehicle before releasing it. I have always learned programming from taking other code that is already written and functional, then modifying it to fit my needs. Once I understand it, I can usually figure out how to write my own code that better suits my specific application.

    I am still searching to find a better display with it's own enclosure that would best fit my application. Even if there is not any pre-written code for it and it is the best display for my application, I will take the time to write the code for it. A touchscreen module would be awesome since I could have an on screen menu to give the users more options and functionality. The cost is a concern, but looking professional, size, and durability is all a factor since this is for an automotive environment. I have yet to find something that fits all those without spending $10k+ on plastic molds.
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,236
    edited 2012-01-22 09:57
    If I put my mind to it to write my own code for an LCD, I could probably do it. The problem is, I am trying to get a working prototype out as soon as possible so I can test it for a couple months in my own vehicle before releasing it.

    Good. Fast. Cheap. Pick two.

    This is a cliche, yes, but cliches become cliches because they are so frequently true. There are a number of us here that are consultants. If you're serious about getting a commercial-grade (good) product done quickly (fast) then, perhaps, it's time to hire someone with more experience than you.

    On custom boxes... have a look at I have had discussions with them and their pricing is very reasonable.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2012-01-22 10:00
    For something like this you would use a stock enclosure from a company like Rose-Bopla or OKW, and machine the openings you need, or have that done by the manufacturer (they all offer the service) or by a machine shop. No need for a custom mold (until your sales reach 10000!)
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-01-22 10:49
    I have talked to toolless before about some custom boxes that would be a slight modification for one of their in stock items. The cost per box came to $25 per box which is extremely expensive for what I can afford.

    The biggest thing to get a pre made box with standoffs that are already in the correct place and the correct height to screw in a display. Then the cutout will have to be just right to make the display look professional. With me doing it myself, it would work, but may not look as professional as I would like. Having a transparent box would be interesting as well as long as the display would screw right to the box.

    I am looking for a Good product at an affordable price. My competitor is putting his version out at 250 per unit. With a display that costs 50 and a box for the display that runs 25, plus the cost of all the other parts to the complete product, the cost would be right there at the price of what he is selling his at.
  • CircuitsoftCircuitsoft Posts: 1,166
    edited 2012-01-22 15:17
    My competitor is putting his version out at 250 per unit. With a display that costs 50 and a box for the display that runs 25, plus the cost of all the other parts to the complete product, the cost would be right there at the price of what he is selling his at.
    So compete on features and not price.
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,236
    edited 2012-01-22 18:27
    So compete on features and not price.

    Thank you; it's nearly impossible to win the price game against a competitor not willing to value his/her own time. Build a better product and provide better service for it. Think long term.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-01-22 19:03
    I do agree as well! Features is what pulls people to the product, but price has it's toll as well. If he sees that I offer something he doesn't, includes it in his, then sells it for way less, I just wasted a lot of time and money. Building what I am is definitely not something that takes a rocket scientist to figure out, so if I can do it, so can he. That means to me, I still have to be competitive in price along with features.

    I don't have a lot of money to put into this project for R&D, but going the right route the first time saves a lot of money. I have recently gotten my disability from the military and will have a little extra to put towards some R&D, but I would like some advice on what others would recommend for what I am trying to do. I have decided to eliminate the 7 segment display which will open up 8 more pins to allow for a better display. I just can't decide on what to go with.

    Different displays I could go with :
    1. A touch screen would be amazing but finding an enclosure to go with it would be hard since the display will be a stand alone. They are also quite expensive. I would be able to have an on-screen menu for the users to adjust settings on the fly. Professional look with class :p Like owning an old nokia vs an iphone

    2. A full color graphic display would be nice, but yet again...finding an enclosure to go with it would be difficult and they are expensive. It would be Professional looking though.

    3. VFD's are what most aftermarket automotive products are using since there is no need for a back light and it is viewable in many different lighting and angles. Professional, functional, and easier to use / program for than above displays.

    4. LCD's are ok but you are limited on formatting the layout of where things will be displayed. Gives the product a basic look which may be good in some cases since simplicity is the key in a lot of cases.

    The number one major problem is getting the enclosure to fit the screen and only the other parts. I have to find the display I like first, then locate the case. But if a case is not available, I have to spend even more money to have a custom case designed for it. It is like a loop that I can't get out of.

    To give you an idea of what I want the product to look like, I can explain it as best as possible. The main brain of the whole thing will be a simple black box with nothing on it except places to connect wires. From it, a wire bundle will connect to a display to show what is currently being processed by the main brain. There will also be another small box which will have 2 buttons on it called the controller. One for up, and the other for down. The controller will be optional which can be replaced by many other things to control the current gear. That is basically it :)
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2012-01-22 19:06
    I use this plastic box with a clear lid for some projects which fits a 20x4 backlit LCD very nicely and then I print a polyester laser label with a cutout for the LCD which is applied to the front. That way the LCD glass is protected. As for mounting you could just adopt the tried and proven method of pressing the display against the back of the clear lid and applying a generous amount of silicone glue, it definitely works and won't come loose anytime soon.

    Of course I have serial backpacks (RS232, TTL, I2C) for them too which are surface mounted onto the back of the LCD module so they are very low profile. The particular displays I use are FSTN rather than plain STN and they have higher constant, especially in bright sunlight.

    EcoLcd backpack.JPG

    320 x 194 - 24K
    640 x 480 - 91K
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-01-25 18:55
    Due to the new "fad" of touch screens, I am very interested in going with one for my product. The problem is, I have a basic knowledge about them and don't really know how intensive it can get when it comes to wiring or coding for a display with touch screen. I have found a few sites who have decent prices on them, but I really don't know what I am looking at when it comes to specs and matching it with the Prop. Something about 3" to 4" would be great. Would I need to put another Prop in my circuit to run the display and touch screen since pins are limited? What recommendations would you have for a durable touch screen with display? I know there are different types of touch screens, but I have no experience with them other than my phone.
  • RickInTexasRickInTexas Posts: 124
    edited 2012-01-27 16:25
    Drac, I'm intrigued by your code pasted into this thread: "terminal I wrote for a 20x4 display". It references:

    delay : "timing"

    Where can I find this object? I've searched the Object Exchange to no avail.


  • frank freedmanfrank freedman Posts: 1,983
    edited 2012-01-27 21:50
    I do agree as well! Features is what pulls people to the product, but price has it's toll as well. If he sees that I offer something he doesn't, includes it in his, then sells it for way less, I just wasted a lot of time and money. Building what I am is definitely not something that takes a rocket scientist to figure out, so if I can do it, so can he. That means to me, I still have to be competitive in price along with features.


    it :)

    Why not design it for yourself, with the features and goodies that you would want to have and would look professional. Stop and think about it for a moment. You have said it is not your main income generator for now so if you have created a cool one-off for yourself, you are already ahead. And you will have the concept nailed down and tested. Do you really think that the Mercedes Benz is sold on snob appeal? Perhaps a few, a very few. Most of the buyers of the upper end of this brand are fairly well off, well educated, and did not get where they are by careless spending. A Ford Focus is a nice car (we have one), but feature for feature, Mercedes blows its doors off, all four of them except in price. The difference in the design, form, fit, function, quality of engineering, longevity (not so much here, but ever wonder why this is the most common taxi in most of Europe and the middle east?) and so many other areas. But development and production cost money to create, build and market that product. I doubt many of the purchasers of these high end machines are so insecure as to base the purchase on price. Otherwise MB could simply sell a POS at a fat profit; at least for a short while. More crudely, the only difference between types of "professionals of the evening" is price. Which do you want to be make, the Yugo or the Benz? You probably don't need the time sucking, money wasting problems of dealing with the those that want it all and for less than free. Take the time to do it right and to the standards you would expect if you were the customer. Then target the market segment that needs your product and appreciates the differences between your device and your competitor. If his product truly is a bottom feeder and yours clearly the better choice, you will probably do well against his unit. You don't want to win the price war. You gain nothing, compromise your product and reputation and waste a lot of your irreplaceable time. Put your efforts where they will generate the most beneficial return to you.

    Good Luck,

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