Programmable headphones sound equalizer interface/amplifier?
Please excuse if I am in the wrong forum for my question but I have to begin somewhere. I just happened to get a Sparkfun kit including an arduino UNO board and I immediately began fantasizing about what has been my dream project for may years: I suffer from loss of hearing the upper frequency spectrum of sound. Cutoff probably at just a few thou Hertz, and I believe the downward slope starts at a rather low frequency. Grasshoppers and birds disappeared man years ago, and the highest octave on a piano is unaudible, I hear just the noise of the hammer mechanism. I use headphones before falling asleep, or when I wake up during the night and prefer listening to the BBC world service instead of music. But even on the Sony world receiver with a qoite well designed audio system, using modern headphones have a much better bass response than suits me. In short, I want to be able to create my own response curve by inserting an equalizing device between the phones and the radio. With the power available from most radios I suppose a passive circuit would do the job; amplification ought not be required. After this long winded intro: Any suggestions on how I could design a circuit for doing the job? I haven't done much C-programming, and that was 25 years ago. But I have Assembler, Pascal and Visual Foxpro experience and believe I can handle the software bit. Design of microprocessor controlled devices too, with ham radio most of my life, and that's quite a long time! I guess in the good old times that never will be coming back I would have whipped up a useful design with analog signal processing circuitry using resistive carbon potentiometers, vacuum tubes and whatever to make a usable device. But all my junk boxes are gone, all I have left is a soldering iron. I dont' have any wire wrapping tools left either but I suppose it would be possible with the help of a friend and a prototyping board to complete a usable assembly. The problem is finding a more or less complete circuit diagram using easily obtainable components. I don't have any clue about where to start. (A future project might be a controller for persian blinds, both up/down and shutters angle.) (Sorry about no spacing between paragraphs after upload, is that because I am using Win2k?)
The Si3000 includes a pre-amp and a headphone amp.
I can supply Gerber and drill files.
Welcome to the forum! The Parallax Propeller chip can also do what you want, using a FIR filter. See this thread for possible ideas:
You'll also need a PICkit 2 or 3, for programming and debugging the dsPIC. You will need to learn something about DSP techniques, of course.
Software is available for designing digital filters. I have MSD for the dsPIC, which is quite expensive, but Scilab (free) works just as well, with a bit more work. It doesn't generate dsPIC code, though.
I keep meaning to redesign that board with one of the newer dsPIC33F devices - cheaper and more performance.
There are many development boards available for the Propeller chip:
Yes, you have got a lot of learning ahead of you.
It can be useful to do the initial design on a PC using the DSP facilities that are built-in, with the microphone and headphone input/output. Suitable software is available.
might be a more practical solution for me, both cheaper and with much less work to do?
Those MiniDSP boards are far more expensive than mine. My board can be built for around $25.
But wrt boards I don’t see any available, and still having to buy a picKIT, study DSP, get the parts, learn & do the programming, that didn’t seem like an easy route to me.
looked like it might be what I wanted although the additional costs really are horrendous.
Item(s) Subtotal: NOK 394,06
Shipping & Handling: NOK 318,13
Total NOK 891,97
Import Fees Deposit NOK 179,78
Total for This Shipment: NOK 891,97
I don’t understand what the fees are for but adding a 25% VAT I will have parted with over £100.
It hurts but I hope I can get over it. It will be here soon!
The dsPIC I used costs under $6, and is now obsolete. The much more powerful dsPIC33FJ128GP802 which I'd use for a current design costs about the same.