Needing a complete kit with parts and soldering. Ideas???
Hello All,
Happy Thanksgiving.
I have yet another question. I purchasedBASIC Stamp Discovery Kit and I know thatthere is little or no soldering required, but where I want to head with thiskit and others down the road, plus with my schooling. I will need to get into amore electronic parts and pieces. i.e.,bigger bread board and soldering, if I am going to go into the repair side ofthings and so on.....
So myquestion is whats a good complete kit that will give me many options withparts and pieces (Resistors, capacitors, wire and so on,...) good size breadboard, and soldering capabilities.
Thanks again, John
Happy Thanksgiving.
I have yet another question. I purchasedBASIC Stamp Discovery Kit and I know thatthere is little or no soldering required, but where I want to head with thiskit and others down the road, plus with my schooling. I will need to get into amore electronic parts and pieces. i.e.,bigger bread board and soldering, if I am going to go into the repair side ofthings and so on.....
So myquestion is whats a good complete kit that will give me many options withparts and pieces (Resistors, capacitors, wire and so on,...) good size breadboard, and soldering capabilities.
Thanks again, John
Heres a nice little solider project. It goes well with a bread board or " perf " board too.
Walt beat me to the punch on that!! LOL Guess I should have clicked his link.
As Mike pointed out SparkFun as a bunch of kits that would probably help you get started.
Here's a couple I thought you should look at.
Resitor Kit
Beginner's Kit
Soldering Iron
SparkFun also sells other solderless breadboards.
I got tired of undoing one project in order to start another one so I finally just ordered ten of these from Digi-Key.
It has been real nice to have a bunch of these boards.
You'll also want solder, solder wick, wire (the solid "hook-up" kind for breadboards) and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of off the top of my head.
Agreed, exept for the solder wick. RS used to have good solder wick, but the last stuff I purchased from them was way too course. The bad solder wick has the same part number as the previously purchased good solder wick.
Good to know Duane. The stuff I used yesterday must have been from the old batch (64-2090)
I would look at Weller first.They make the best soldering irons.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=673&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14609325873844471436&sa=X&ei=0iTPTq7WLcrj0QHg9KRJ&ved=0CHYQ8wIwAA
Didn't break the bank for it, and it has served me well for the last two years.
I used to think that, until I had a WES-51 stop working after 30 days of use. It was stamped made in Mexico, so maybe USA models are okay. Anyways, I won't buy another Weller... I think that there are better alternatives.
ESP Projects is excellent with a great web site explaining everything. Generally, all his designs are primarily provided as boards that can be easily sourced for parts locally. And it seems that his background includes teaching electronics in Australia.
It still works fine today....But it wasn't cheap $.....And it was made in the USA...
I am worried that butane might be a good on the go iron, outside or on the car, not great for doing bench work, thoughts?
I was looking at these two models? Please tell me what you think.
Thanks again, John
Butane's look good for remote locations, but I have never had one that put out enough heat to work on car wiring.
I have been beat up on my choice of soldering station, but it has been a great station for two years doing everything from soldering audio cables to SMD chips and 0805 resistors, and it's available at your local Radio Shack:
And you can get all the specialty tips and replacements from the original manufacturer: .
I have had good Wellers, and have two American Beauty's that have not failed me for 15 years with the same tips!
Hope that helps.
The last time I purchased a Weller soldering gun, it was because I needed to solder 12 gauge copper house wiring and really needed a lot of heat to do so. Older house wiring used to be all soldering and insulation was provided by ceramic nobs and tubes. I need to reroute some circuits for a new attic ladder.
Automotive wiring may require similar heat output as 12 and 14 gauge wire is not uncommon.
For my microcontroller work, I just use a cheapo 30 watt soldering iron. A heavy duty, high wattage iron may just be too hot for the majority of your work.
Of course, you can by branded products that charge a huge premium and Hakko provided temperature control. But I can't imagine anyone that is really doing a lot of soldering being able to use one tip for 15 years.
For SMDs and 0805, the added control of a Hakko might be useful - or going even lower in wattage to a 20 or 15 watt iron.
Butane is likely to be a bit of a wildcard
and require a lot of practical judgment to use..