new boe bot pet
Whats up everyone im new here but not new to the basic stamp stuff
i am wanting to create a boe-bot pet and if anyone has any idea's for my
pet i would be glad to hear them,
Project Boe-Bot pet -
-The boe bot pet will have a remote (this remote will be used to feed him, and be able to interact with him and be able to switch him from manual mode to free will)
-Boe-bot will also be a walker and soon grow out
of its small pre-designed form and into a body
i will build for it. but for now he will just be a
walker that parallax will provide to me.
so far i can't think of what else he will have but like i said if anyone has idea's i'll be glad to hear them
i am wanting to create a boe-bot pet and if anyone has any idea's for my
pet i would be glad to hear them,
Project Boe-Bot pet -
-The boe bot pet will have a remote (this remote will be used to feed him, and be able to interact with him and be able to switch him from manual mode to free will)
-Boe-bot will also be a walker and soon grow out
of its small pre-designed form and into a body
i will build for it. but for now he will just be a
walker that parallax will provide to me.
so far i can't think of what else he will have but like i said if anyone has idea's i'll be glad to hear them
Light sensors,·PING sensors,·IR detectors and tip switches·can·all be used for making the robot react to being·picked up or moved.· Or not picked up and moved (e.g., you can make your pet "purr" if you pick it up and "howl"·if·you put it down).
Feeding the pet can be as simple as constructing a low battery alarm (alarm = "Feed me, I'm hungry!").· Alternatively, you can set up a beacon and a recharging station that allows the robot to find its own "food" source.
With a light sensor or two, you can·make the robot rest when it's dark or wake when it's light.··You can also make it·sun itself like a lizard to recharge its batteries and move back into the shadows once the batteries are full.·
A·light detector can be used to make the robot·react to possible·"predators".···Make it·run for the shadows·if it detects a sudden change in light.·
Use a tip switch to make the robot cry for help if it gets stuck or topples over.· Morse code for "S.O.S." works well and is easy to implement.
If the robot has an optical encoder for distance and whiskers for object detection, use a power monitoring program to make it recognise the difference between movable objects and immovable ones. Use it to make the robot·detect loose objects and push·them out its way (like Sumo).·
Above all, use plenty of imagination! The sky's the limit.
The Pi Guy