pololu motor controller
Hi I am new to the SX chip
I already know how to make subprograms and stuff, but how do I interface a Pololu dual serial motor controller to an SX28
I just want to see an example subprogram, like forward or backward
I already know how to make subprograms and stuff, but how do I interface a Pololu dual serial motor controller to an SX28
I just want to see an example subprogram, like forward or backward
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Adam Savage, Mythbusters
pololu motor controller
You're not going to find sample programs for the SX for something like this motor controller. It's essentially an asynchronous serial controlled device and the examples for use with the Stamp are directly applicable. I suggest you use SX/B so you can take the PBasic examples and convert them to SX/B (SX/Basic), then compile to assembly language. SX/B will take care of including a routine to simulate a UART for the serial I/O so you don't have to do it. There are several downloadable books on programming the SX including one using SX/B. Have a look at them if you haven't already.
while waiting for a respose. I was kind of lazy earlier.