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Penguin Problems

WozooWozoo Posts: 14
edited 2008-02-15 06:57 in Robotics
Hi, my penguins (1 red, 1 black) arrived just before Christmas. I have just finished putting them together & I think I followed the instructions correctly, but I seem to be having some problems getting the tilt servos to work properly. Everything else is working fine, and I have centered the stride servo, but the tilt servo doesn't seem to want to turn, and it gets very hot. The same thing is happening on both penquins, so I assume I have made the same mistake on both. Any suggestions?


  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2007-12-28 05:32
    First check the appearance of your Penguin with
    that of the photo. The feet have direction (a front
    and back, left and right) and the long linkages
    should be free to move. In fact, with Penguin off,
    you can move the servo horn in both directions
    freely. This is the first test.

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-12-28 14:57

    I think you have plugged the "hot" servo in backwards.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • WozooWozoo Posts: 14
    edited 2007-12-29 22:41
    Hi and thanks for the help. I rechecked, and the feet & everything are on right and the servos move freely when the Penguin is turned off. Then I unplugged the tilt servo on the red penguin & turned the plug around. It still wouldn't work, but when I turned the plug around to its original setting it worked. I was able to calibrate the tilt servo & my penguin performed the line dance very nicely, thank you.
    Aha - problem solved, right! Not quite. My black penquin's tilt servo was still paying no attention to commands, so I tried unplugging it & replugging it in the same way. No lunck. Then I decided to try turning the plug around & unfortunately smoke started coming out of the servo. Not good.
    Now when I try to calibrate the black penguin, the stride servo still works but the tilt servo horn swings around until it is at a right angle to the ground & still doesn't work.
    Is my only option to replace the servo?
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2007-12-30 10:36
    Step 2: download the PDF file "PenguinDoc-v1.0.pdf" from

    This is a color version Penguin Manual.
    Now go to page 6 and look at the servo cables and note
    which color faces which side, and copy it on your Penguin.
    Now try calibration by doing step 2 on the same page.

  • WozooWozoo Posts: 14
    edited 2007-12-30 20:30
    I have looked at the Penguin manual in colour. I have both penguins set up the same way - one works & the other doesn't. Bummer!
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2007-12-31 03:03
    Step 3 - go back to the section in the manual and run
    the "center servos" code and see if you can get the tilt
    servo to go to center position, as instructed. If it won't
    center, replace the tilt servo.

    You could also remove the mechanics and check the
    boards. Unplug the tilt servo and set it aside. Plug in the
    remaining servo into the tilt position. Run the center
    program, and verify the servo does indeed center,
    and not go off to an extreme position. If it does, then
    the board is bad.

  • WozooWozoo Posts: 14
    edited 2007-12-31 04:45
    Thanks - I will try this tomorrow & let you know how it works. I really appreciate all your help.
  • BasicsBasics Posts: 5
    edited 2008-01-24 06:25
    I'm a little embarrassed to admit it but I'm having some problems getting the servos calibrated. My experience is similiar to Wozoo and I've exhausted my list of solutions. I followed the manual exactly and I'm sure that the robot is assembled correctly. I have the software and the drivers installed and the PC and the robot seem to communicate fine.

    I can calibrate the servos according to the manual, but once I disconnect the robot from the PC and turn it back on, it seems that all settings that I previously saved are lost and the servos start rotating incrementally until they both hit limits. I then go back to the servo calibration program and have to press "r" many times until the servos are enabled and neutral. How do I diagnose the board to rule out a faulty controller? Anyone with similiar experience?
  • David CarrierDavid Carrier Posts: 294
    edited 2008-01-25 17:50
    It looks like an old version of the Penguin code had worked its way to the new web page. It has since been fixed, so you can download version 1.1, the latest version, of the Penguin code at, This version gives more control over how the Penguin walks, but most importantly, it is easier to use and has clearer and more thorough documentation. Be sure to read the “Usage” section in “Penguin-ServoCalibration-v1.1.bpx” before running it. Also, it is best if “Penguin-CenterServos.bpx”, in the “Penguin-IOExamples” folder, is run before the stride linkage and servo horn are attached. If the servos are too far off center when the Penguin is put together, it may not have its full range of motion.

    - David Carrier
  • BasicsBasics Posts: 5
    edited 2008-01-26 07:00
    Beautiful. I'll give it another try as soon as I'm finished here. Thank you.


    I downloaded and ran the latest version of the software and although it is much better in a few ways, I still have the same problem. I ran the CenterServo program and immediately ran the calibration program. I align the feet and level the tilt servos, save settings with "s", and close the debug window. I then power off the robot and disconnect the usb cable. When I switch the power on, the servos rotate incrementally by approx. 20 degrees until they hit limits.

    I'm not ruling out user error, but could this be hardware? After reading one of humanoidos post in this thread about switching the servos as a test I'm still wondering if it's the board. All tests in the downloaded package were successful. I don't expect a spoon feeding here, just a nudge in the right direction. I really hope that I stumble on a fix so I'm not left hanging all weekend, or that somebody is cruising the forums and can set me straight soon.

    Thanks in advance.

    Post Edited (Basics) : 1/26/2008 7:51:09 AM GMT
  • robots42robots42 Posts: 27
    edited 2008-01-28 12:03
    After downloading and running Penguin-ServoCalibration-v1.1.bpx
    When you power up the Penguin after disconnecting the USB does the Penguin make the Beep before the servos start moving?
    If not the program isn't running.

    As an aside there is a bug in Penguin-ServoCalibration-v1.1.bpx which means Walking doesn't work properly if the tilt range is >255.
    I emailed KG yesterday with the fix, Indirect is used as a byte instead of 'Word Indirect' in the first block of the DO/LOOP.
    Also when printing the screen, printing stops at $555 whereas it should end at $559

    David Buckley
  • BasicsBasics Posts: 5
    edited 2008-01-30 04:41
    Thanks for the information.

    I actually started looking at the code last night in an attempt to find something out of place. And I believe that I do not hear any beeping at startup after calibrating, saving, disconnecting and powering off. But I will check in an hour or two after I make the repair to the code.
    Although I understand that this forum is not holding it's collective breath in anticipation, I will post results. More likely I will just post more insipid questions.

    I appreciate the help from you fine folks.

  • BasicsBasics Posts: 5
    edited 2008-02-06 06:41
    I follow the directions in the dialog of the ServoCalibration-v1.1 EXACTLY but can't seem to get the EEPROM to hold the settings. I do not hear a beep when the penguin is switched on and the servos still rotate incrementally every time the power switch is moved to the on position. When the servo calibration program is running, I can press [noparse][[/noparse]W] and the robot will walk. Mechanically the robot is sound. All of the other tests still show positive results. I don't believe that the problem is necessarily with the code as David in the above post suggests.
    I've got a 3 year old going berzerk waiting for me to take the robot down from the bookshelf and make it do something cool. I'll admit that I'd like to get this thing working for me too. smilewinkgrin.gif Could someone walk me through the process once just so that I can rule out user error on my behalf?
  • robots42robots42 Posts: 27
    edited 2008-02-06 10:17
    the bug with tilt range over 255 in Penguin-ServoCalibration-v1.1.bpx does not affect Penguin-AutonomousNavigation-v1.1.bpx
    nor the EEPROM values stored

    in the section
    -[noparse][[/noparse] Memory initialization ]-
    Penguin beeps
    FREQOUT Speaker, 300, 784
    before any servos are driven

    If you don't hear the beep the program isn't running, or the code has been altered or the beeper doesn't work or you have a different program loaded

    run Penguin-SpeakerTest.bpx
    does the Beeper sound?

    FREQOUT Speaker, 300, 784

    1 disconnect the servos
    2 reload the program
    3 does the beeper sound?
    4 if yes beeper sounds then turn off, connect one servo, turn on, - does beeper sound
    5 if no then get new batteries, goto 4

    If the servos move before the Beep, it has nothing to do with the program, it is what servos do when they powerup and get confused, often by low voltage (the batteries may give an ok voltage on no load).

  • BasicsBasics Posts: 5
    edited 2008-02-15 06:57
    Okay!! Everything is working great now and I'm happy to say that I've caught the bug. I'll be attempting to write my own code soon and I've been downloading humanoidos scripts to learn from. Thanks to David and David.
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