Need help troubleshooting
Hello and thanks in advance.
I'm having trouble getting my PC to recognize the Stamp. I use the identify tool in the editor and it comes back with Loopback - Yes, Echo - No. I am using a 9v battery and I have checked to make sure it is 100% charged, it is. Any ideas? I also looked for the FIFO settings but Win XP Pro does not have that as an option. Any suggestions would be great.
I'm having trouble getting my PC to recognize the Stamp. I use the identify tool in the editor and it comes back with Loopback - Yes, Echo - No. I am using a 9v battery and I have checked to make sure it is 100% charged, it is. Any ideas? I also looked for the FIFO settings but Win XP Pro does not have that as an option. Any suggestions would be great.
1. Is the BASIC Stamp plugged into the 24-pin socket correctly (i.e oriented properly with all pins in their respective holes)?
2. Is the green LED on the BOE lit up?
3. Do you have a voltmeter you can use to measure Vdd?
4. If so is it 5V?
In regards to Phil's item #1 to check. I've heard that it's easy to misunderstand which is pin #1, and I've heard of a lot of discussions where the BasicStamp was put in wrong. So make sure it is put in the socket correctly.
Good luck.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!