Robot Not working
I'm back for some more advice. The motor align downloads and runs okay but the sumo bot has no movement. I reset it and it still has no movement. My son said that when he first put the batteries in that the bot smoked alittle and he took the batteries out. I'm wondering if he might have shorted something?He had the neg and pos power wires in the same location(both in pos). I connected them the right way and the bots power shows green when I turn it on. thanks
It's good that the program seems to run. That says that the microcontroller has survived.
The servo motors have components inside that can be damaged with reversed power polarity.
Do the servos move at all with the use of the alignment program? When the alignment program
is running, can you turn the motor shafts? They'll be very stiff, but should turn somewhat. They
shouldn't turn easily when the power is on and a program is attempting to control them.
There are some other sample programs in the "Robotics for the BoeBot" manual that you can
download from Parallax's website. These both explain how servos work and allow you to test
and adjust them.
- Stephen
- Stephen