Propeller as RF xmitt/receiver
Areal Person
Posts: 197
I’m working with the Radiotronix RCT-315-AS XMITT/RCV module.
Here’s the general circuit I’m implementing
And here the info on the xmitter
It uses the Holtek HT12/E & D encoder/decoder IC pair.
I’m wanting to use the propeller to send/receive the simple data bit signal
but I’m really new to doing this stuff.
Do I still have to use the Holtek encoder/decoder IC pair if I use the propeller ?
Can I just use the basic stamp functions SHIFTOUT etc.. to send data ?
Could someone please tell me how I would go about hooking up the propeller
To do this ? What object should I use. And/or what circuit connections should
start with ?
What would be the easyest way to send the databits?
Thanks for any help you can offer,
I have a tree growing out of my head, but
what do you expect ? I'm a programmer.
It's tuff being a novice, it takes allot of time to figure out simple
things, but I must say that I've found the Propeller chip to be
a very high quality solution. I think it's the #1 best chip in it's class.
It's been easy for me to learn, relative to other things I've tried.
I just wish I was making more progress in learning electronics,
It's been hard to learn MCU programming and basic electronics
at the same time.
It's a slow process, but at least, I'm learning.
Thanks again for trying to help me, and have a Happy New Year to everyone.
I have a tree growing out of my head, but
what do you expect ? I'm a programmer.
I've had quite good luck with the Parallax 433 MHz modules as well as with XBees. I did eventually get the Sparkfun ones to work reliably, but only sitting right next to each other with well matched antennas. I learned a lot, but they simply weren't useful for an end product.