Where should I start
I see Radio shack has a kit for students for about 80.00, should I buy that to get my feet wet in the understanding of this product?· I really don't do programing and I know very little visual basic.
- Stephen
I don't follow my own advice either....
The kit is for students...Stampinclass is what I think it's called...comes with a few thinks including a servo...· My plans are for Halloween decorations and possible Xmas...making things move...etc
Browse the Parallax site, particularly the collection of Nuts and Volts columns and all the Stamps in Class tutorials. There's also a StampWorks manual that's downloadable that goes with another kit.
I'll look around the site, I might still get the kits for the "Hands On" method of understanding and seeing what it does. I like to add some extra effexts this next halloween....
I bought my first Parallax product from Radio Shack (What is a Microcontroller) and it was the best purchase,·I have ever made. as you read the book; you will start implementing your own ideas for lighting, motors, sensors, etc. Get it, you will love it and become attach to that little microcontroller.
Fernando Gomez
Never compare yourself with anyone else, there will always be someone bigger·or·smaller·than you.
I see that my RS has Ping modules, PIR modules, 2-axis accelerometers, and light-to-frequency chips now as well.