BS2 + sensors advice asking
i'm new with BS2, i got one boe-bot and i was trying to improve it, and make some new robots with BS2, and i was looking for some sensors.
i found this and i'm thinking in buy, but i don't know if i should..
do anyone know this sensor board? it will be easy to interface it with BS2? will be cheaper and better to buy this 2 sensors separately or will be good to buy this "all in one" board?
i will w8 for some coments before buy.. thanks
(well and what ultrasonic rage finders? what shueld i go for something cheap, good and easy to use?)
i'm new with BS2, i got one boe-bot and i was trying to improve it, and make some new robots with BS2, and i was looking for some sensors.
i found this and i'm thinking in buy, but i don't know if i should..
do anyone know this sensor board? it will be easy to interface it with BS2? will be cheaper and better to buy this 2 sensors separately or will be good to buy this "all in one" board?
i will w8 for some coments before buy.. thanks
(well and what ultrasonic rage finders? what shueld i go for something cheap, good and easy to use?)
- Stephen
yes, i finished all the exercises in the manual.. and that not include ping, because it dues not have a ping sensor.. thats why i need buy one, it was only with some leds, infra red leds, and sensors, speeker, and ldr.
i started making bs2 talk with my java programs by r232.
i was not thinking in buy the ping)) because it use one of my bs2 pins.. in stead of that maybe srf05/08 cause use i2c.
i'm waiting for some advices. thks for all replys.
- Stephen
i have an idea about a balanced 2 wheels robot, actually i was thinking in 4 wheels, connected left (front and back) and rigth (front and back) but for be "walking" in 2 wheels only, and that's why i wanna a gyro and a accelerometer.. i think its a requirement.
i was asking if this ones are easy to connect with bs2, and if do.. what do i need to do it.. since they are analog output as i see in datasheet, (it seems to) do i need an analog/digital converter?! what the best/cheap ones for this sensors? whats my alternatives?
shueld i think in invest in SSC-32 to servo controllers or its better buy motor controllers?
thks for your reply Franklin
i wanna them to make a balanced robot...
here is max1238 datasheet:
ADCs that use SPI or microwire take less code space and work faster with the BS2, but right, they do also take more pins. Sorry, I can't help with anything about the robot design.
Tracy Allen
its true that i2c will be slow.. probably 2 slow for balancing a robot.
i'm considering in get another microcontroler to the balancing process with adc integrated, so i can use analog interfaces directly with it, and let the BS2 for other jobs that not require so much speed, like magneto North location, bluetouth, sonar sensors and servos control.
what do you think about it!? integrating 2 microcontrolers with i2c probably, and use them to work together with different task.
what about arduino atemega168? you think it will feet balancing needs with the gyro and the accelerometers?!
i still thinking in get max1238 for some other sensors, and future expation, cause this adc its cheap and i think its powerful.. 12bits of sensibility its really nice, and i2c port will be hot.
can u share me your knows about max1238? it need to be programmed? it only support voltage differential or resistance differentials to?
thks for all the help Tracy Allen
You asked about differential voltage. Yes, the channels can be set up for either differential or single ended. You asked about resistance differentials too. The resistances will have to be in a bridge circuit, and then the ADC will measure the differential voltages.
I don't know about those other microcontrollers, but you should take a look here at the SX and the Propeller, which are both very powerful and fast microcontrollers from Parallax, and both are well supported here on the other fora.
Tracy Allen