Parallax GPS receiver unit as player tracker
I'm probly using the wrong boards but couldn't find a place for this.
We are starting a new AIRSOFT/PAINTBALL playing zone in Turkey/Istanbul.
It will be the first airsoft area in the country, so it's really new. We already have a shooting range for airsoft, paintball and air guns.
Anyway, there is this idea of tracking players in the game and using the information.
Each team (anyone played battlefield 2? this is almost the same idea) will be given one laptop. Every player will have the gps receiver on them and somehow transfer the coordinate data to the laptops. Sides will only see their team members but may have functions like "scanning" that can show opponent player's position for one-two seconds so the "commander" can assign people to the correct places. We will use satallite pictures as map. There can be many things added, for example: jammers, that can be deployed at a point or carried (a small accelerometer to shut the device off if the person is just running with a really sensitive jamming device aka two batteries and one board in a wooden box with a stick hehe) has it's own gps receiver so laptops receive it's data when it's online and hide the close opponent players from the map when you scan, so other team can have a chance to make an ambush. This is endless, many things that can be added to the fun.
Now back to the reality. Place is 500x500meters, yes thats around 30 soccer fields. It's in middle of some forest by the way. My friend insisted on using radio to transmit the data from the modules since bluetooth has a range of 10 meter.
We can set up antennas, wire the ground, etc.
Now, other than the gps module itself, what should we use? I have only a little electronics information and i found this forum while browsing the gps receivers.
We can use anything that sound practical. And of course, cheap, we are talking about 50 players at a time so there should be around 70 devices, if each device cost like 300$, then it will be a really expensive game hehe.
If anyone contacts me and say "i can help you out" i will be GLAD. It's really hard to find people with good electronics knowledge.
You can contact me via msn 42(at)
Post Edited (Chemical) : 12/23/2007 9:53:03 AM GMT
We are starting a new AIRSOFT/PAINTBALL playing zone in Turkey/Istanbul.
It will be the first airsoft area in the country, so it's really new. We already have a shooting range for airsoft, paintball and air guns.
Anyway, there is this idea of tracking players in the game and using the information.
Each team (anyone played battlefield 2? this is almost the same idea) will be given one laptop. Every player will have the gps receiver on them and somehow transfer the coordinate data to the laptops. Sides will only see their team members but may have functions like "scanning" that can show opponent player's position for one-two seconds so the "commander" can assign people to the correct places. We will use satallite pictures as map. There can be many things added, for example: jammers, that can be deployed at a point or carried (a small accelerometer to shut the device off if the person is just running with a really sensitive jamming device aka two batteries and one board in a wooden box with a stick hehe) has it's own gps receiver so laptops receive it's data when it's online and hide the close opponent players from the map when you scan, so other team can have a chance to make an ambush. This is endless, many things that can be added to the fun.
Now back to the reality. Place is 500x500meters, yes thats around 30 soccer fields. It's in middle of some forest by the way. My friend insisted on using radio to transmit the data from the modules since bluetooth has a range of 10 meter.
We can set up antennas, wire the ground, etc.
Now, other than the gps module itself, what should we use? I have only a little electronics information and i found this forum while browsing the gps receivers.
We can use anything that sound practical. And of course, cheap, we are talking about 50 players at a time so there should be around 70 devices, if each device cost like 300$, then it will be a really expensive game hehe.
If anyone contacts me and say "i can help you out" i will be GLAD. It's really hard to find people with good electronics knowledge.
You can contact me via msn 42(at)
Post Edited (Chemical) : 12/23/2007 9:53:03 AM GMT
I don't have many ideas on this but try posting it in the sandbox.
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