Ad and CS lines?
How would you add a chip to the SX micro that needs addressing and CD lines? -FOrgive me if it is a basic question I have worked with micros before (8052) that chips such as Lacthes and PIA controllers were addressable and had chip select would you add these type of chips to the SX based proto?
Just run the I/O lines from the SX to the address and chip select lines of the chip you want to control. You then need to manually put the right values on the I/O lines to set the address and chip select. Depending on the chip, this is either going to use a bunch of I/O lines or a few. You'll also need to be aware that need to set the address lines first, and then manipulate the CS line, in order to give the chip time to let the address settle before enabling it. No trick solution for this, just some manual labor.