Watt Saver
· I have some boards left over on a simple watt energy saver system I had built a long time ago. It uses a PIC16C84 ,,,, if there is enough interest I can have the SX 20 made up to fit into the 18 pin dip socket. The Original code is in ASM and I·would need help to get the code it to work·with the SX20. I am not good with ASM ..This unit works on small AC motors like Refrigerators fans ect.· I can make it into a kit form and·can sell it for·under 25 dollars depending on how much the SX20 to 18 pin dip board·will be and how many are interested.
Peter (pjv)
Automatic Motor Configurator.. (AMC)
Soft Start
Super Saver Monitor Mode..
Status Mode LED (RED, Green, Yellow)
The Code was written in the Parallax Assembler 4.7
I will translate it the best I can then let you have a look at it and tell me what you think. I will update as soon as I get the schematic up and the translation done...