Switching between 5MHz and 6MHz
Posts: 1,981
Anyone any good ideas on switching between a 5MHz and 6MHz crystal at run-time ? I've done similar manually in the past with both in series and a SPDT switch to short across one or the other but was wondering about more program controlled ways.
The best I can think of is two oscillator modules and a one-of-two selector, or a single 30MHz divided down by 6 or 5.
Would an SPDT switch work with a Propeller ( ProtoBoard ) or do the crystal leads need to be particularly short ? It worked okay with a Hitachi 6301 4MHz/8MHz.
The best I can think of is two oscillator modules and a one-of-two selector, or a single 30MHz divided down by 6 or 5.
Would an SPDT switch work with a Propeller ( ProtoBoard ) or do the crystal leads need to be particularly short ? It worked okay with a Hitachi 6301 4MHz/8MHz.
The software would need to be changed slightly anyway, as the program needs a declaration of crystal speed, pll etc, so changing the crystal also would require a change in code.
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I'd like to write my own 'not to be published' code for 96MHz but appreciate most published code should be written for 80MHz ( the commonest used ) so it was an idea that I could switch between either without having to worry about the hardware and could use the same hardware for both.