Can a BS2 be used as a stand alone operation(a location remote to my PC)?
Does it need to be connected to a PC at all times so that it can be properly controlled? Can any microcontroller be operated as stand alone, for that matter?· I'm new to basic stamps, and microcontrollers, and I'm trying to figure out a way to measure and store voltage (ignition)·pulses at a remote location (on a motorcycle), then bring em back to my PC so that I can have a look at RPM data. (put em on a curve).· Basically I'm trying to make an 'inexpensive' dynomometer.· What a cheapskate, I know, but it costs $60 to $100 or more to run the bike on a dyno at the Harley shop.
I read on one of the questions, that a program could be stored on a thumb drive then taken to the remote location and used to control another basic stamp.· I probably misunderstood this information.
I read on one of the questions, that a program could be stored on a thumb drive then taken to the remote location and used to control another basic stamp.· I probably misunderstood this information.

- Stephen
Once you load a program into it, it no longer needs the PC to run. It can do what you want by recording data to the eeprom. If you need more memory than is available on baord, you can use an external eeprom for more storage. You can then download the data to your PC.
Recording the RPM should be realativly easy. If you search thre forum for RPM you will find a number of techniques to interface the Stamp with the ignition system. Vehicles are a very noisy enviorment electrically speaking, so it make take some effort to get it working right.
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