I need some link action from you guys
When I first got here, I bookmarked a bunch of links of the video capablility of the prop. I had to reformat that machine, and one of the things I forgot to save was the bookmarks.......(dummy).
I saw a video game of tetris once, a "3d" presentation, a project with a compass, time clock........
Anyone have direct links to those apps or new version of how good the prop can render graphics. I'd like to showcase it with a few people I hang with.
OH and Paul, sent you a PM did you get it?
I saw a video game of tetris once, a "3d" presentation, a project with a compass, time clock........
Anyone have direct links to those apps or new version of how good the prop can render graphics. I'd like to showcase it with a few people I hang with.
OH and Paul, sent you a PM did you get it?
Oh, and my 7-shades of gray picture:
Yeah - me dummy too - done the same many times, so now I use del.icio.us for all my bookmarks - works great, especially if you install the browser toolbar buttons
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
I found the blackjack one, the 7 grays is cool.
Wasn't there another on youtube that did a full 3d render where you fly through lettering or some crazy thing like that?
The BJ game is really what I'd like to present if there are more like it........thanks for the inputs thus far.....[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Yeah, got the PM, glad to hear you got the samples, let me have a chance to read the newest one and I'll try to answer sometime today.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 12/18/2007 7:25:02 PM GMT
Yeah the 3D render was RLE compressed frames played back from SD.
Here's a link to more of my stuff, where there is a real poly renderer, I'm doing, using one cog for rendering at the moment, and it'll use another cog for 3D transformations, and poly sorting.
There is also more videos there, as I was doing a video player, with Money For Nothing·as a test video.
It's also home of our (·Coley and me ) PropGFX project, which is a propeller generating a 256x192 15bit display, with multiple display modes, 15bit mode raw, 15bit mode DXT1 compressed image, 8bit mode, 4bit mode and all with sprites overlayed.
Also you should check out the Hydra forums for more video game based stuff with different video routines.