TV Out Question...
I've read the book and searched the forums, so I hope this hasn't been asked hundred times before....
I understand the 3-bit DAC for the composite video out but do I need the 4th resistor for the "aural subcarrier". I'm just stumped by the note on the schematic... "This resistor is only required for aural subcarrier in broadcast mode" What is that? And do I want it? If possible I wouldn't mind leaving that pin free for other uses...
Thanks, in advance for the help...
I understand the 3-bit DAC for the composite video out but do I need the 4th resistor for the "aural subcarrier". I'm just stumped by the note on the schematic... "This resistor is only required for aural subcarrier in broadcast mode" What is that? And do I want it? If possible I wouldn't mind leaving that pin free for other uses...
Thanks, in advance for the help...
as my first stuff was just the three pins, so if you're connecting direct to composite, then you don't need the fourth resistor and pin.
be aware though to remove that pin dir activity from any tv display driver you use, as that may cause you problems when you're not expecting it, trying to debug some unexpected data coming out of the port. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (Baggers) : 12/18/2007 4:06:26 PM GMT
I'm reading through TV.SPIN now to see what I need to to to recover my pin 15
It is also little known, that the Video Logic outputs on EIGHT pins by default! However 4 (or 5) of them are generally suppressed by your settings.