Memory Stick Data Logger #27937
Can someone tell me how to do a hardware and/or a software reset on this usb data logger (#27937)?
My code to talk to the data logger works great, but if my watchdog timer times out and resets all other devices in the system by pulling the device's reset line to the reset state, the data logger does not get reset.
Thanks in advance for your help>
My code to talk to the data logger works great, but if my watchdog timer times out and resets all other devices in the system by pulling the device's reset line to the reset state, the data logger does not get reset.
Thanks in advance for your help>

I don't know of a software reset command. The closest thing would be the SUM (suspend monitor) command, then use the RI# (ring indicate) signal to wake the device up again. I don't know how much reinitialization goes on when the device wakes up again. You might check with FTDI.
on page 6, as:
9 RESET# Input Can be used by an external device to reset the VNC1L. This pin can be used in combination with PROG# and the UART interface to program fi rmware into the VNC1L. If not required pull up to VCC via a 10 kΩ resistor.*
* These pins are pulled to VCC [noparse][[/noparse]3.3v] via internal 200kΩ resistors.
(The schematic on pg 16 actually shows using a 47Kohm resistor)
Dunno how this info may relate to your need.
I will ring out the four pads on the edge of the data logger and determine if one·pad is connected·to pin 9 on the FTDI device.· If so, this should be an easy solution to pull the pin to ground·and hardware reset the device and the rest of the system.
I’ll save you a bit of trouble…The /RESET pin is actually located on the 3-pin header on the side (labeled P, G and R). You want the R pin. As for the 4 holes on the side…well they would connect to the other USB channel and are the +5V, USB Data and ground lines. These aren’t documented since they’re not technically supported (based on our intended use of the device). Advanced users can make use of these though. As a note, the 3-pin header is used when serially updating the firmware, although I prefer to do it via the USB device itself. I hope this helps (and saves your DMM battery). Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I know other people were looking for this information also.