I am interested in building a robot using the Mesmic Tri Axis accelerometer to figure out the orientation of the robot relative to a base point. Would an accelerometer be the best tool to use for this application or should i look into something more along the lines of a gyroscope? thanks!-Waldo
I am interested in building a robot using the Mesmic Tri Axis accelerometer to figure out the orientation of the robot relative to a base point. Would an accelerometer be the best tool to use for this application or should i look into something more along the lines of a gyroscope? thanks!-Waldo
Neither of the devices or sensors you mention has any inherent way of knowing where it is relative to a distant point (the "base"). You may wish to investigate one of the methods shown below if you want to know anything more than that the base exists nearby:
1.·Exact Tracking Methods
··· A. Accurate wheel encoders and a third wheel with·locomotive command tracking
·· B. An accurate compass and an accurate time base
2. Localization·Using Communications Methods
·· A. Radio frequency means·(with or without triangulation)
·· B. Infrared or visible light·means (with or without triangulation)
·· C. Ultrasonic or audible sound means (with or without triangulation)
·· D. Global positioning means (GPS)
I'm sure there are other means but those are the ones I've used or investigated.
Bruce Bates
At this juncture it might be wise to review what it is that an accelerometer actually measures, and how they are used. Here is a simple explanation:
Although accelerometers can be used as tilt sensors, other than that, and because they rely on sensing gravity, there is really no real directional vector that they measure. Thus, they would be fairly useless to your stated purpose "to figure out the orientation of the robot relative to a base point".
Bruce Bates
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Accelerometers have a fair amount of noise and gyros have a fair amount of drift but together they make magic. Using a kalman filter you can combine these measurements to track the angle relative to the gravity of earth.
You can find a spin object at that take’s in the measurements from an accelerometer and gyro via a 12 bit ADC. It then uses a kalman filter to figure out the angle of the mounted sensors.