Regulators... Where can I get them?
Hey, I've been experimenting with the propeller for a couple of weeks now and have even interfaced an LCD module with it. Besides the BS2SX, this is my first real microcontroller experiment. I briefly used the BS2SX a month or so ago and quickly outgrew it's capabilities. I recently got the prop education board and it's great - until you blow the regulator.
Just a couple of minutes ago, I was using·the prop and a pwm signal and a large 12v dc lead-acid battery. Apparently, this is a deadly combo when your messing around with wires will everything is connected. Needless to say, I think I touched the positive lead from the battery to one of the leads on the 5v regulator. I tried firing the prop up, but nothing happens. I'm pretty sure I toasted the 5v. Regulator, and probably the 3.3v regulator since I just replaced the 5v. The only problem is, I don't have any 3.3v regs. on hand.
Anyone know where you can get these for cheap? I looked on ebay, but they're all surface mount. I don't want to pay $8 shipping through mouser or something for such a small part.
Just a couple of minutes ago, I was using·the prop and a pwm signal and a large 12v dc lead-acid battery. Apparently, this is a deadly combo when your messing around with wires will everything is connected. Needless to say, I think I touched the positive lead from the battery to one of the leads on the 5v regulator. I tried firing the prop up, but nothing happens. I'm pretty sure I toasted the 5v. Regulator, and probably the 3.3v regulator since I just replaced the 5v. The only problem is, I don't have any 3.3v regs. on hand.
Anyone know where you can get these for cheap? I looked on ebay, but they're all surface mount. I don't want to pay $8 shipping through mouser or something for such a small part.
Brian - home of SpinStudio
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller!
SD card Adapter
LF 33 (1A)
LM 1084 (5A)
LM 1085 (3A)
LM 1086 (1,5A)
LM 3940 (1,5A)
LM 2937 (0,5A)
Note that they have different pin-outs, either IN/GND/OUT (as expected) or GND/OUT/IN
Also note the current rating generally means "with heatsink"