BS2 and VISTA compatibility
I recently purchased a new laptop running VISTA and now keep getting a STAMP NOT FOUND error on a project that continues to work on my XP laptop. Is this a know problem and if so are there any fixs out there? Any help would be appreciated. Larry
- Stephen
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Bad news, Radio Shack cables are Smile. I bought one a while ago for ~$30, but it doesn't carry the DTR signal correctly. I guess all they connected was rx and tx. This is fine for most things, but not for programming BS2 or Prop programming.
I have a duel boot of Ubuntu Linux and Windows Vista. Vista, because it came with the PC, Ubuntu because I like software that works.
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Your duplicate post in the Forum Support area has been removed. Your current problem is most likely not an issue of Vista compatibility…at least not with the BASIC Stamp. Assuming you have the latest BASIC Stamp Editor (which is Vista compatible) the problem is more likely communication or driver related. On the desktop were you connecting to a serial port or using a USB Adapter? Laptops have known issues with both Serial Port FIFO buffers and USB latency. On top of that not all USB to Serial Adapters are compatible with the BASIC Stamp, and then there’s the issue of Vista compatibility with the drivers for these devices. Please let us know exactly how you’re connecting the BASIC Stamp to the Vista machine for further assistance.
[noparse][[/noparse]Edit: I had originally replied to your duplicate post…in light of new information in this thread, please see reply below.]
The Radio Shack adapters have been tested to work with our product under Windows XP. Unfortunately, as far as we now there are currently no Vista drivers for this adapter. You can purchase a compatible adapter from our website for under $20.00. Just search for part #28031. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
There is a driver for Vista that works with with the RS #26-183 model USB to Serial adapter·which I use. After a little bit of searching I found one at:
I'm running Vista on a HP Pavillion a1777c desktop and once I installed the driver the BS2 mounted on a Board of Ed. rev C started talking to the IDE without a hitch.
Now If I could only figure out how to get the SW to work on my laptop which is running Linux Ubuntu.
I was not familiar with those drivers. My post was based on the drivers that come with the device or are available as a download from the Radio Shack website. The site you linked doesn’t look to be related to Radio Shack at all, so we won’t be able to endorse the Radio Shack adapter as Vista compatible until they have official drivers on their website. We wouldn’t be able to support customers using the device under Vista currently. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support