Need help using development SW under Linux
Hello all,
I was searching through the archives but can't seem to locate the needed info.
My laptop used to run Windoze XP, however it was knocked off the table while running which munched the harddrive. Anyway long story short; because Toshiba wanted to charge me $75 for a disk to reinstall the OS on my new HD I switched over to
linux. I am running Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn and I am having problems getting the development software to run. I have tried to load it using Wine but that is a No-Go. Has anybody here had any success with linux that could help me out?
Thanks in advance,
I was searching through the archives but can't seem to locate the needed info.
My laptop used to run Windoze XP, however it was knocked off the table while running which munched the harddrive. Anyway long story short; because Toshiba wanted to charge me $75 for a disk to reinstall the OS on my new HD I switched over to
linux. I am running Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn and I am having problems getting the development software to run. I have tried to load it using Wine but that is a No-Go. Has anybody here had any success with linux that could help me out?
Thanks in advance,