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Newbie question about Propeller Tool v1.05.8 — Parallax Forums

Newbie question about Propeller Tool v1.05.8

K2K2 Posts: 691
edited 2007-12-14 20:35 in Propeller 1
When I boot PT it looks for a drive that it can't find.· I hit "continue" twice and it drops the matter.

What drive is it looking SD Card?· Something else?

Also, how does PT know if I'm using·a real serial port (Com1) or a usb2ser converter?· Which does it expect on start-up?

BTW, I've been an enormous fan of the SX chip from its inception.· I've incorporated it into virtually every product I've designed since then.· If ever there were a miracle chip, the SX would be it.· Thank you,·Chip, for picking up the pieces when Ubicom/Scenix went off in pursuit of other dreams.·


  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2007-12-14 19:41
    I've noticed that the Propeller tools searches all drives listed on the system including any that are because of SD/Compaq flash adapters before starting up. If there is no disk in the adapter slots, Propeller Tool faults like you are seeing. Myself, I've been just clicking "cancel' on the read errors, but would love to here of a better solution to this problem.


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  • K2K2 Posts: 691
    edited 2007-12-14 20:35
    Thank you for the explanation, OBC. I'm relieved to know the message is "normal" for computers with unloaded FLASH drive adaptors, as my computer has. Also, thanks for the link to The Propeller Wiki. I fould some stuff there I hadn't seen before, that explained a few more of the mysteries of Propeller. I absolutely love the idea of 160 MIPS/cog in PropII since most of what I do is DSP-related.
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