help-using a digital compass and lcd screen
I am a newbie with the boe-bot and have a standard kit. I am curious about using a digital compass and simply allowing the boe-bot to tell me which direction its facing... aka "60 degrees east of north" etc. I'm pretty sure I have the code for the compass component, but I don't know how to get the boe-bot to display the direction it is reading on the 2 X 16 LCD screen we have. It only displays when plugged into the computer. Does anyone have any knowledge on using LCD screens / where to put the code (in BASIC) that tells the boe-bot to display the compass data on the LCD?
I'm totally lost on this segment of code!

1) Get the data from the compass (and handle the calibration information). There are plenty of examples of this that either come with the compass (the HM-55B) or are downloadable from Parallax's webstore page for the compass.
2) Display the compass data on an LCD (either serial or parallel interface). There are examples for sending data to the LCD that either come with it or are downloadable from the webstore page for the LCD.
As will most programming, you do one task, then do the next one. You can also make a subroutine out of each task and call them one at a time like: