FTDI only makes surface mount chips, but I need a DIP package
I am trying to incorporate BS2 with a USB connection·into an OEM product.· Chris Savage directed me to the the BS2LITE discussion forum, and the USB2SER product sold by Parallax.· However, I would like to solder the FTDI (or equivalent) directly to my PCB.··· Does anyone have a "How to guide" for soldering SMT parts to PCB boards using a standard iron?· Or does anyone sell a USB to Serial chip that is a through-hole product?
I really appreciate any help I can get!
I really appreciate any help I can get!
2) I don't think anyone makes a through hold chip for this anymore. There are lots of little modules that incorporate a chip, USB socket, and a few related parts. FTDI has some of these and others do as well.
I will check out the "how to" guide.· Yes, I noticed FTDI has some DIP modules (and also some third party modules), however the size makes them incompatible with the small confines that I have in the bezel that I am making.·
Thank you!!!!